Chapter 12: Choosing Violence

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Mood for chapter: sleep at night- Chris brown
Berkeley, California
2:30 pm

Coco Pov
It's been three days since the blow out with blaze. The girls have been on my head about him. I wish they would stop asking I'm trying to forget his bitch ass. My job starts in 2 weeks and I'm ready to give this nigga his money back and never see his ugly ass again. I'm heading to my lab and I'm confronting chance ass about spying on me.

Lab teacher: everyone sit with your lab partner and finish what we did last Wednesday
Chance happy go lucky ass is smiling walking towards the desk. I swear I wanna smack the shit out of him
Chance: hey coco
Coco: *fake smile* hi chance
Chance: how was your weekend
Coco: eventful
Chance: wanna talk about it
Coco: sure we should finish the project first
45 minutes later
Lab teacher: turn in your lab sheets and I'll see everybody next week. Make sure for homework to do pages 120-130.
Coco looks at chance as he's grab his backpack
Coco: Hey Chance
Chance: yea
Coco:  Tell that bitch ass nigga if he wanna know what I'm doing so bad bring his ass here. Also find another partner and stay the fuck away from me
Chance looks shocked as coco storms out the classroom. Blaze is going to kill him
4 hours later
Ryan's comes in from class  and she sees coco singing her heart out to love language by sza. She is singing with her whole chest while doing homework
Coco: *singing* you relentless nigga, I don't need rent NIGGA Texting me like waiting for you to come lie to me RUIN MY DAY, sayin SHIT TO HURT ME I CANT COMPETE- talk to me in your love language show me HOW to CONNECT TO YOU
Ryan: * laughs* coco !
Coco jumps and turns around seeing Ryan laugh with her phone recording her. Ryan always seems to get her embarrassing moments
Coco: your so annoying
Ryan: boo you going through something you singing with your whole chest
Coco: No ok not going through anything
Ryan: you and that dude Megan saw having problems
Coco: there is no man he don't exist
Ryan: *rolls eyes* I guess that means yes. Anyway I'm heading to Brett's we're spending the night with his friends.
Coco: Ryan it's a school night
Ryan: I know mom I'll be fine I'll see you tomorrow
Coco: bye
3 hours later
Coco is binging the show never have I ever on Netflix and she really likes it. She looks at her phone and realizes it 10:00 pm she should probably take a shower and get ready for bed. She grabs her shower items and  walks into the shower. Remembering she forgot to lock her door but she didn't think was a big deal
3o minutes later
She grabs her clothes and caddy and walks to her room with her head down trying not to drop her  phone she locks the door and turns around and her heart stops immediately dropping everything including her phone.
Coco: * grips towel tighter* blaze how did you get in my room
Blaze: I just doing what you said
Coco: what I say
Blaze: have that bitch ass nigga bring his ass here. That ring a bell
Blaze stands
Coco backs herself against the wall and he approaches and grabs her towel snatching it off. She immediately covers herself shouting profanities at him snatching the towel back wrapping it around her body.
Coco: what are you doing blaze
Blaze: I tired of your attitude
Coco: leave and you won't have to deal with it
He's so annoying why is his bitch ass in my room you know what I'ma give him something to be mad at
Coco: *smirks* So are you Larry or Laurent
Blaze: what
Coco: are you Larry or Lau-
Blaze charges at coco grabbing her by her throat.
Coco: Get of me!!
Blaze: you wanna die bitch
Oh shit bitch I pushed a button I'm afraid I can't fix he might actually kill me I'm such a dumbass
Blaze: speak
Coco: which one are you
Blaze: *stares with rage* you have no right to go through my shit and snoop ask me most personal shit
Coco: why can't I know blaze aren't you tired of playing this game it's obvious our relationship has grown outside of me witnessing  you kill someone. We done sexual things blaze you like me and it's scares you so your trying to keep up this hard persona you can drop it for me Blaze I won't judge you
Blaze: My brother and personal life are none of you fucking business get that through you brain. This relationship has not grown it's one sided you fell in love with me which is pathetic. I hate you I say and do the most mean things and you still don't get it. I don't like you and if I could go back I would've caught 2 bodies that night

Coco exhales shakily obvious bothered by what he said even if he didn't mean it and it was just a defense mechanism it's still hurts like shit

Coco: fuck  you motherfuka you think I make your life hard you ruined mine. I think I wanted to see your bitch ass kill someone I didn't even wanna go to that whack ass party. You ruined my relationship with friends I'm giving through some crazy shit and I can't vent to any of them because of your sociopathic ass. All you motherfuckas drain the life out of me. You caused all this shit then you blame it on me. How about you grow the fuck up and be a man get a real job instead of a little ass boy selling drugs and fucking up peoples life with no regard just because you fucked up yours.
Blaze: Courtney
Coco: No you listen it doesn't matter if your Larry or Laurent I don't give a fuck it's clear that person is dead and gone I honestly pity you and your gonna end up dead or in jail and I need to realize I don't owe you shit so fuck you and get the fuck out my dorm and my fucking life
Coco: leave or I'm calling the police I'm pretty sure they would love to know about truce whereabouts
Blaze: you playing a dangerous game
Coco: I'm tired of you blaze
Blaze: really
Coco: so we can stay out each others lives now
Blaze: you really want to make me you enemy
Coco:  I want your crazy ass out my life
Blaze: *smirks* you mad because you fell in love I upfront from beginning it not my fault you desperate
Coco: your such a conceited asshole
Blaze: am I or is it just a hard truth you no want to accept
Coco: what truth
Blaze: you can't change me and I wont save you from you problems
Coco: *tears up* get out
Blaze: accept it
Coco: why would you be sexual with me
Blaze: no act innocent kissing me, sleeping on me you tease me all the time eventually I gonna give in It's just pussy you overestimate how much I care. I don't care at all
Coco: you do me so dirty
Blaze: do I or is that what you tell yourself. that's how you like it right it's been a turn on this whole time embrace it or is not okay now because I not flattered by your advances
Coco: I don't give fuck
Blaze: whatever helps you sleep at night

Blaze brushes past coco out the door and she slides down sobbing pride crushed and a feeling of shame as the night passes

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