Chapter 28: Made Your Bed

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Mood for chapter: Lost Cause- Billie Eilish
Coco pov
Me and blaze finally made it back to Compton. I would be lying if me and Asia last conversation didn't bother me. I was only trying to help her and it's ridiculous to expect me to sit and watch my sister be harassed or potentially jumped. Blaze has been quiet since the trip started I don't know what his problem is but I'm not in the mood. Plus school is starting again next month and me and blaze haven't went shopping for my stuff yet. I knew leaving my stuff in Houston was a bad idea. Ima make his pockets hurt. Me and Ryan was able to get our same room again so that's a plus.
Coco: blaze
Blaze: yes
Coco: you been quiet the whole trip what's wrong
Blaze: why you give sister cold shoulder
Coco: she made it seem like it was my fault
Blaze: yea but she just anxious
Coco: since when are you so understanding
Blaze: what you want
Coco: what
Blaze: I try to be understanding and less cold you mad at me I act cold you mad at me. Make up you mind I'm a grown ass man I don't play little girl games
Coco: so I'm acting like a little girl
Blaze: figure out you shit Courtney
Blaze walks off into the living room leaving coco alone with her thoughts.
Coco pov
How dare he. I've been communicating our whole relationship and before. I get mad one time and I'm the fucking villain. I'm supposed to be everyone support system and walking mat and if something doesn't go right just eat it don't get mad. I'm going through shit too everybody is downplaying the fucking year I had including him but he's the cause of most of it so of course it's not a big deal to him. Little girl bitch I'm 19 heavy on teen. Maybe his grown ass should date a old bitch. My bitch ass dad keeps fucking with me and now he knows blaze and I didn't want him to.
Coco starts to cry and shake her head tired of everyone and everything. Blaze walks in the bedroom and sees coco crying and rolls his eyes sighing. There was a time when her crying had no affect on him and he would tell her to shut up or get out. Since making it official he finds himself caring about her feeling and it pisses him off.
Blaze: why you cry
Coco: *crying* y'all keep fucking with me and I'm the villain if i respond fuck my feelings
Blaze sighs and walks over sits next to her on the bed and pulls her into his chest. She sighs and snuggles her face deeper in chest causing blaze to shake his head in annoyance.
Blaze: I sorry for not taking your feeling into consideration I just no think you should take what your sister said to heart she hurt
Coco lifts her head and looks at blaze
Coco: I know I should call and apologize
Coco kisses blaze and hugs him.
Blaze: you done pouting now
Coco: yes
Blaze looks at the time and rises walking into the living room grabbing his keys and walking out the door. Coco follows him confused on his sudden urgent behavior.
Coco: blaze
Blaze: what
Coco: where you going
Blaze: I be back stay in house and lock doors
Blaze unlocks his car and gets in starting the engine preparing to pull off.
Coco: why are you being so secretive
Blaze: I no have time to argue stay in house and lock doors
Coco: can I have a kiss bye
Blaze: Courtney
Coco reaches her head in the car and pecks blaze lips
Coco: bye papa be safe
Blaze rolls his eyes and speeds off as she watches his car fade in the distance. She walks back in the house and locks the doors.
Coco: I should text Asia

 Coco: I should text Asia

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