Chapter 29: on the run

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Trigger Warning ⚠️: Abortion Mentioned
Coco pov
It's been a 2 months since me and blaze last convo and I kind of regret it. Maybe he was sincere on me coming back and being fine. I cant go back now but I can wonder what if. I'm gonna go crazy in this condo whatever I need Tyler or Dre were getting it. They felt they were being followed so they had a mutual friend become the errand boy for me. Worst shit I've been talking to everyone like shit is normal and when they ask about him I make up some elaborate lie. School started. I decided to stay in the condo since San Francisco is 17 minutes away from Berkeley. It's truly a blessing. Also this year I have off campus forensic labs so I'm barely there.
The nauseous feeling is back again and she runs to the toilet upchucking she breakfast. She hasn't heard her period at all and is concerned. Maybe she should go to urgent care. She decides to leave at 4:30 PM
4:47 PM
Coco Pov
I'm currently in the waiting room in urgent care to see what's wrong. I think I may have got a stomach bug from something I ate or probably fucking stress of my life being in danger. This nauseous shit hasn't been lingering almost a month.  I found out from Tyler that blaze is putting pressure on his minions to find me So yea I'm freaking out. He wanted to catch me  before school started but that didn't happen so I know he's pissed. I know how truce must of felt now
Nurse: Courtney Jones
Coco walks in the examination room where all her basics are taken down and she waits for the doctor. He comes in and says hello.
Doctors: hello Ms. Jones I see you have been having a problem with nausea lately
Coco: it's like it lingers
Doctor: is your menstrual cycle on track
Coco: I haven't had it yet and it's been around a month. I always get my period around this time
Doctor: are you sexually active
Coco: umm I was
Doctor: when
Coco: a month ago
Doctor: okay I'm gonna run a pregnancy test but don't worry just because your nauseous and having irregular cycles doesn't mean your pregnant. He left to get the test, coco isn't nervous because she knows there is no way she is pregnant. After taking the test she sit and waits.
10 minutes later
The doctor  walks in and coco is relived so she can go home and lay down.
Doctor: Ms. Jones I don't how to put this but you are in fact pregnant.
Coco: are you sure
Doctor: yea you are a 6 weeks pregnant
Coco: doctor I think ima be sick
The doctor hurries and grabs one of the Emesis bag and hands it coco as she throws up in it. After calming down
Doctor: I tell all my patients options available. This is a touchy subject but you can have an abortion however your on a time frame. After 20 weeks the fetus has a good chance of being viable and an abortion won't be sufficient unless proving serious health risks.
Coco: I'm sorry it's a lot to process
Doctor: I understand your only 19 this is a lot to process but I've printed out some information for your in the lobby with my information on the next steps and medicine for your nausea. Also some prenatal vitamins 
Coco: o-ok thank you
2 hours later
Coco POV
I've been sitting  in the condo in awe. Im pregnant but im  only 19. I don't know how to raise a baby and I'm not financially stable I can barely take care of myself. Plus my baby's father  is literally trying to kill me. I can't believe I'm pregnant by blaze. This is to much. I guess I have to tell someone. I can't tell Asia  or the girls. I could tell Dre but that's shaky he would encourage me to keep it. I could ask Tyler he doesn't judge my decisions
*Calling Tyler🤣*
Tyler: hello
Coco: hey Ty you busy
Tyler: no what's up
Coco: I have to tell you something and I couldn't tell Dre or my friends.
Tyler: ok what happened
Coco: I-I'm p-pregnant
Tyler: WHAT
Coco: that's why I was sick this last month in a half
Tyler: it's his
Coco: yea
Tyler: *sighs* that's tough what are you gonna do
Coco: *tearing up* idk but it's just hitting me that I'm pregnant and I'm scared. Him trying to kill me doesn't make it any better
Tyler: I mean you carrying his baby that counts for something right
Coco: he was very clear on not wanting kids
Tyler: shit are you thinking about you know getting an abortion
Coco: *ashamed* yes
Tyler: I'm any other circumstance I would be against it but your life is in danger and have his baby is not gonna help the situation and your still a teenager.
Coco: thanks for listening I had of talk to someone I'll call you later
Tyler: alright coco hang in there
Coco: hold on how is blaze doing
Tyler: pissed because he or no one else can find you
Coco: bye Tyler
*Tyler🤣 ends call *
Should I keep the baby I don't I don't know I'm confused.
* Month later*
I'm officially 12 weeks pregnant and I still have no clear answer on what to do. I'm scared but I decided to keep the baby. I don't think I understand the gravity of my decision yet. I  have a very small bump now it's barley noticeable. Plus the weather has been on the cooler side for some odd reason so I've been wearing baggy sweatshirts. Nobody knows except Tyler and I feel I should probably tell Dre but in person may be best.
Calling Drayton (Dre) 🖤
Dre: hello
Coco: you busy
Dre: no just left Keisha doctors appointment she went over her sisters for a sleep over
Coco: can you come never I need or talk to you but in person
Dre: okay I'm on my way
20 minutes later
Dre walks up to the condo knocking on the door. Coco opens the door and hugs Dre a little tight. He hugs her back rubbing her back. He sits on the couch waiting for her to talk.
Coco: I'm pregnant
Dre: hahaha real funny's seriously
Coco: Im pregnant
Dre: it's blaze's
Coco: yea
Dre: you met up with him and had sex
Coco: no I'm 12 weeks we had sex when I went to Houston to see my sister
Dre: fuck
Coco: I'm 2 months
Dre: I don't know what to say damn Courtney are you ready for this
Coco: no but I can't get rid of it
Dre: looks like Yasmine gonna have a cousin *laughs*
Coco: yea I guess so how's Keisha doing
Dre: good ready to have Yasmine
Coco: should I tell Lau
Dre: his brother
Coco: he won't tell Blaze and I need all the support I can get
Dre: if you think you can trust him yea and he could possibly talk his brother down that would be good also
After visiting with Dre for about 2 hours he leaves. She decides to call Lau
*Calling Laurent💙*
Lau: Courtney
Coco: Hey Lau sorry to bother you
Lau: you ok
Coco: umm sometimes
Lau: blaze no find you has he
Coco: he told you
Lau: yes
Coco: I'm safe for now but I'm really scared
Lau: I sorry about my brother belle
Coco: hey can i ask you a question
Lu: yes belle
Coco: what happened to Larry ex he said she snitched on him and got killed but he didn't do it
Lau: *sighs* Kehlani was Larry first love basically. When he come to America he make fresh start. She already in selling drugs so they clique. She start working for him when he get big. Her brother was jealous of Larry success and wanted to steal his supply. She stole not wanting to but being loyal to her brother and Larry find out. Turns out she did other things no one knew about and those people caught her and killed her. Larry's was never the same he heartbroken she dead and she betrayed him.
Coco: I'm basically deja vu
Lau: kind off
Coco: anyway I called for a specific reason
Lau: ok
Coco: I-I'm *sighs* pregnant
Lau: * silence*
Coco: Laurent
Lau: sorry belle I processing you pregnant with my brother baby
Coco: yes
Lau: how far along
Coco: 2 months
Lau: he know
Coco: no and please don't tell him I need a healthy pregnancy
Lau: I agree belle I no say anything so I going to be a uncle
Coco: *laughs* yes handsome your gonna be a uncle
Lau: yay I can't wait see baby but I have to go belle
Coco: thanks for always being a listening ear
Lau: Always Belle
*Laurent💙 ends call*
*Incoming call papa💗*
Coco immediately gets butterflies she hasn't seen that name pop up in 2 months. Should she answer it or let it go to voicemail
Coco: *whispers* hello
Blaze: Courtney
Coco: yes blaze
Blaze: they hide you good im impressed
Coco: can you stop being psycho and we talk like adults
Blaze: we could've talk like adults before you ran off
Coco: ok fine what done is done moving foward let's talk like adults
Blaze: im gonna enjoy killing you. You know I shit I go through to put up with you ass
Coco: goodbye blaze
*Coco ends call*
Im not gonna be threatened and stressed over the phone specially when I'm pregnant. I'm thinking about blocking him. She takes a deep breath and blocks his number. His bitch ass hasn't talked to me in 2 months and he on that same bullshit i don't even know if I want him around my child.
*Besties group chat 💕*
Stalli🤟🏿: coco wyd girl
Coco🤎: watching tv about to do homework
Stalli🤟🏿: where Ryan
Coco🤎: With Brett
Stalli🤟🏿: where yo man
Coco🤎: at work
Stalli🤟🏿: y'all left me bored asf here
Mani🩵: bitch I'm not boring
Stalli🤟🏿: girllllllll did I say yo name
Mani🩵: girl forget you and your shade
*Coco🤎 exited group chat *
I don't have time for their petty arguments I got homework. After finishing my homework I take my sleepy ass to bed this baby is draining me already.
Next morning
Another day on campus. Coco is leaving her history class heading back home when she bumps into Chance. She is equally scared sand annoyed
Chance: what's up lil fugitive
Coco: not in the mood
Chance: we'll get in the mood you coming with me
Coco: please don't
Chance: I'm sorry I'm not getting killed for helping you
He tries to grab coco and she looks around and decides to play victim.
Coco: I said stop CHANCE I don't want to get off me
People start look at me and Chance and I decide to turn it up a notch
Coco: you can't fix what you did and grabbing like that is making me feel unsafe. You almost hit me this time I don't do domestic violence Chance.
Now the crowd is murmuring as I speed walk away to my car and drive off leaving Chance with a scowl on his face. Courtney that was a close ass encounter I have to call Tyler
*Calling Tyler🤣*
Tyler: hello
Coco: your bitch ass runner friend tried to kidnap me
Tyler: who
Coco: Chance
Tyler: shit I forgot about him
Coco: me too apparently
Tyler: he following you
Coco looks back and sighs he bitch ass is following her.
Tyler: coco
Coco: yes I don't know how to lose him I can't go back to the condo
Tyler: type in the GPS the nearest police station and go in and if he won't leave tell them he following you
Coco: okay you sure
Tyler: that nigga know what we do he don't wanna get caught up and have to potentially snitch on blaze
Coco: ok thanks Tyler
Coco ends call
10 minutes later she pulls up to a police station as Chance is a few feet behind her. She walks in the station to meet with an officer at a desk
Coco: officer there's a man outside we go to Berkeley together that is mad about us breaking up and he won't leave me alone and he's trying to follow me home. I don't feel safe and don't want him to know where I live.
The officer gets up and follows coco outside as she points at Chances car. The officer goes to chances window and taps it. Chance rolls it down and him and the officer are talking. Chance rolls his eyes rolls up the window and drives off
Officer: I'm gonna escort you home to make sure he's not following you. Do you wanna press charges
Coco: no I just wanted him to stop and know I'm not playing
Officer: okay then lead the way
The officer gets in the patrol car and coco gets in her car as they head to her house.
Compton, California
Blaze pov
Chance: boss she got away
Blaze: fuck you mean she got away
Chance: she made a scene on campus making seem like I was bitter boyfriend being aggressive. Then when I was following her she went to a police station and told an officer. He told me to leave or I was getting arrested and he escorted her home.
*Blaze ends call*
She could have possibly fucked up my operation by chance getting arrested. This bitch is making me lose my mind. I'm such a dumb ass why did I make this bitch my girlfriend. She no take me serious I told her don't weaponize my niceness and she does. She think I a game hang up in my fuckin face. I need to get her ass back now.
*3 months later*
I'm officially 18 weeks and I can know the gender of the baby. I'm actually showing and luckily I haven't ran into Ryan on campus. I'm going tell Im them in the group chat
Coco🤎: guys umm I'm 5 months pregnant
RyRy💟: stop lying coco real funny

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