The Cameron man then turns to the two Pogues, confirming with a, "Yeah?" When the two nod their heads, he smiles. "All right. It's gonna be good." Parker nods until he's out of sight, before letting out the breath she was holding in. 

"Your dad scares me." John B nods in agreement with Parker's statement, putting his hand on his chest. Sarah rolls her eyes at the duo's dramatics, but she can't help but have been a tiny bit intimidated by her father as well.

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The trio had joined back up with the others, and they had tried to pawn the gold at a pawnshop. Parker had gotten the zoomies while JJ was inside trying to convince the pawnbroker the gold was real, so she had run around the parking lot. Sarah watched her in entertainment until JJ came back out and everyone clambered into the Twinkie again. They followed the directions the pawnbroker had given them to the warehouse where there was apparently money.

"So they keep the money out here?" Pope asked, looking out the window skeptically. 

"That's what she said." Parker lets out a snicker at her brother's statement, which makes the blonde boy laugh as well. "That's what she said." Pope rolls his eyes at the two, muttering, "Stop." A stray giggle comes from Parker, but other than that, they stay silent.

"I've never even heard of Resurrection Drive." Sarah pipes up. Parker nods in agreement, but her brother goes for the jab. "'Cause you're rich." Nobody takes the bait, and Parker and Kiara roll their eyes. "You've never heard of it either," The Carrera girl reminds him.

"Thank you," Sarah nods at the brunette girl, who nods back. Kiara then looks around, saying, "There's nothing but weeds back here." The rest of the Pogues look around, humming in agreement.

JJ tries to defend the information he was given, starting, "All right, just 'cause it's just weeds, doesn't mean it's like..." His voice trails off, and Parker gives him a look that says 'you tried'. He shrugs his shoulders, giving her a small smile. 

Suddenly, a siren sounds. Parker, Pope, and Sarah all look behind them, catching sight of a cop car. "Cops? Out here?" Kiara questions, turning around in her seat.  

"God! Are you kidding me?" JJ exclaims. Parker looks around nervously, knowing that if she gets arrested again then she's done for. That's it. Straight into Juvie. "What did we do?" Sarah says, pulling Parker out of her thoughts. 

"Why are we getting pulled over?" Pope asks, sounding nervous. Parker nudges her brother, muttering, "Stash the gold, Jayje." He does as John B pulls over to the side of the road. 

"Chill, guys." Kiara states, before focusing her eyes on Parker. "P, Don't do anything stupid. You can't risk it." Parker gives her a nervous grin, replying, "When have I ever done anything stupid?" Everyone in the Twinkie turns towards her and gives her a look, making her put her hands up in surrender. 

John B then turns to JJ, asking, "Did you bring the gun?" Everyone looks towards the blonde boy, nervous for his answer. "No. Okay? Everybody told me to leave it back at the place." The Pogues let out sighs of relief, making JJ roll his eyes. 

"Thank god. Please, everything else in your bag." JJ tries to stuff the gold and all of his weed into the bag, struggling to fit it all. Parker groans, for once tired of the fact that JJ has a shit-ton of weed. 

He finally gets it all in, and Pope lifts up one of the seats cushions so that JJ can stuff the bag inside. They shove the cushion back down onto it, hiding the bag and all of its contents.

The Pogues let out a sigh of relief that is cut short when they hear a gun cocking. They whip their heads towards the drivers seat, where Parker catches sight of the barrel of a shotgun pointed at John B's head. 

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