Okay Okay Okay... WHAT??????!!!!!!!!

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It's just dream after all

Suddenly a bright flash and a beautiful woman appeared in front of her.

"Hello child, my name is Morgana but you may call me anna" She said

Elizabeth stared confused.

" I suppose Merlin told you that you would be having a ... Special dream?"
"Oh! Yeah he did!"

Morgana smiled  "follow me she said.

After following Morgana for like half an hour they finally reached a golden pedestal with a book in the crystal dome on top of it.

"Here" Morgana said lifting the dome and handing the book to Elizabeth.

Then a black scale shimmering purple appeared. The space floated towards her.

Elizabeth stared at the scale. It was black shimmering with a bit of purple about the size of your thumb-nail.

It flew right into her forehead.

Suddendle Elizabeth woke up.

She checked in the mirror. Sure enough the black scale was there right in the middle of her forehead.

She quickly used her magic to cover it up and proceeded to read the book Morgana had given her.


Elizabeth was shocked

First page

There used to be a very powerful species made entirely out of different types of scales most were wiped out and only around 1/1000000000000000000000000000 is left some of them are : snake, lizard and dragons. they are scale beings and are extremely powerful.

"Iana!" called Elizabeth

suddenly cute house elf appeared.

"Yes mistress?"

"Can you make some food for me? I'm going out today"

"Alright mistress"

Some time later

Elizabeth walked out of the house and walked a few miles away before holding out her right arm.

The reason she as doing this was because she didn't want anyone to know that she was a Majnee heir.


a bus appeared and a young man stepped out.

"elcome to the knight we can take you anywhere and everywhere. I will be your conductor tonight names Stan Shunpike"

Elizabeth got in payed and they brought her to the leaking cauldron.

She walked inside.

Eli laked up the the bar and said "Hello?"
the barman arrived.

"Hello!" new student i'm guessing?"

"Yep" smiled elizabeth.

"Follow me " he said

he led her towards the a wall in the back.

he tapped some bricks and an archway opened up.

Elizabeth thanked him and then proceed to walk straight to gringotts.

She bowed respectfully to the goblins at the entrance. which shocked them quite a bit.

After she was inside she walked up to the shortest and line and waited patiently.

She walked up to the teller and bowed respectfully.

"Hello, may your gold overflow and may your enemies scream in fear"

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