A long hard Way.

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"Smell? Smell what? Drugs or what?", I asked with a laugh.

China laughed and replied: "Dude, no! I don't know if these smells are drugs, because it smelled like many things at once. But it may be that there really are drugs there."

"What kind of place is this that can smell like many things?",I asked him in amazement, "Is it a perfume store or something?"

"What? Perfume store?", he asked, a little startled, "Why would I want to take you to a perfume store?"

"I don't know... but what kind of place that can smell many things at the same time besides a perfume store or a wax store?"

"I have no idea, I'll tell you what I saw." ,he said we went into the forest

"You know how to get out of here, right?"

"Nooo, you know? Of course I know how to get out of here!", he admitted.

After a while I asked: "What did you see there now?"

"It was such an old hut that it looked like it was about to collapse. The windows were broken and the whole hut was overgrown with plants and from the inside it smelled of many different things as I said", he told, "Some were really strange but others I could recognize like cucumbers, cakes and the smell of lilies smelled very strong."

"Is the hut far away?"

"Well... yes, it's far away.",he said aloud."There must be a good reason why it was built so far away. It's also a bit hard to get there."

Many different thoughts swirled through my head. Many strange unknown smells... a far away place that is difficult to reach... There must be something behind all this! Or is it simply a place that is full of different kinds of flowers? But what kind of flower in this whole world smells like cucumber or cake?

"Are you sure you smelled those things?",I wanted to make sure,"Because it could be that you were just hungry or that someone was living there."

"No, I don't think so" ,he replied. "The place was totally deserted and there was nothing in the hut that looked like anyone was living in it. The dust in the hut was as high as 3 meters."

"Okay, but what kind of place smells like cucumbers and cake?", I asked, confused.

"It did not only smell like these things, but there were also smells that I couldn't identify."

"Yes, most definitely drugs", I said casually. "You've been dreaming, China."

"Oh yeah?!" ,he said sourly, "If you don't believe me then you might as well go away! I want to share something with you that I think is cool and you just don't believe me! What is this boy?"

When he said that, I was a little startled, because I didn't mean it so badly: "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it seriously. You don't have to take it to your heart."

"Sorry if I exaggerated" ,he calmed down again. "But you need to take your words a bit more seriously and the way you say them and stuff, you know? I don't mean any offense, but you better watch out, it can really hit you hard. It won't just be a little outburst of anger like mine... "

"Hmm... understand..." ,I replied. "But I really didn't mean any harm. It was just a joke."

"It's Okay...", he said. "We'll be right at the first obstacle."

"What obstacle?", I asked, a little shocked.

"You'll see. Just wait!"

The forest path split in two and we turned right. After a while we saw mud puddles bubbling like water in a kettle on a hot stove. The bubbles that came out also smelled like various disgusting gases.

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