Chapter 20

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Y/n's pov

'Why are we sitting down? I have a whole other chapter to draw today before I start preparing for tests.' you say, Rukawa placing your coffee in front of you. 

'You are overworking yourself.' he says blankly, sipping his coffee as you almost snatch your own from the table, inhaling the caffeine. 

'You sound like my mum.' you reply, mixing the coffee with the ice inside. He glances up, staring at you almost spilling the coffee from shaking it too aggressively. 'You are not my mum. Why do you care so much.' you say, flinging the slice of ice stuck on the exterior of the plastic cup. 

'Because I like you.' 

You choke on the coffee. 

'The other two were not supposed to be here today because I wanted to tell you that up there. But they did so here it is.' he says, pushing the glass jar into your arms and standing up to turn towards the door. 

'Wait what.' you say to his back, your coffee was long forgotten as you look between the jar full of colourful origami and him standing in front of you. 

'You are supposed to open it and look inside?' he says as he turns back around to face you, in which you somewhat dumbly look down at the origami jar. Twisting the lid open, you reach your hand into it, your fingers touching a plastic wrapper. 

'Seriously? A lollipop?' you ask as you fish out a round lollipop on a stick, Rukawa nodding silently. 

'You don't have to accept it. Just throw it away if you don't want it.' he says, starting to walk over towards the exit before glancing at you blankly holding the origami jar and the lollipop, even his shoulders looking grumpy as he walks out. 

His grumpy face at the window was too funny to not laugh at. Rukawa mouths "what" from the outside watching you laugh at him as if he is a clown, followed by "stop laughing" as you wipe your tears off of your eyes. 

'This is the worst way to tell someone you like them!' you shout, some people in the cafe turning to look at you curiously before Rukawa's face turns even grumpier as he starts to walk away. 'No wait!' you yell towards him again, taking the origami jar and sprinting out of the cafe after him. 

'I didn't say I don't like it.' you say at his back, him stopping in his tracks to turn to face you again.

'You said it was the worst.' he replies, his hands shoved into his pockets on his hooded jumper. 

'Well, that doesn't mean I don't like you as a person.' you say, holding up a vitamin lollipop from the jar of origami. 

'As a person?' he asks, watching you put the lid back onto the jar. 

'You are a person, no?' you ask back, him raising his eyebrows.  

'You said you were here to reply to... that. So what are you saying.' he says, looking irritated as you laugh at his grumpy face for the second time in 10 minutes. 

'Maybe you are not as insufferable as I thought you were.' you say, Rukawa glancing up at the evening sky at that. 'Well, are you just going to go home and leave me with the two children upstairs?' you ask, Rukawa hesitantly taking your hand and walking back to the cafe to take your coffee.  


'But what are we going to say to Haruko-chan when we get back? Am I a shitty friend for this?' you ask as you both lean on the wall of the elevator back to the studio, Rukawa only raising his eyebrows as if to ask you "what about her". 

'Do you even remember who she is?' you ask blandly, him frowning slightly at your question. 

'The one that Sakuragi follows around like a lost dog.' he replies, to which you return his frown. 'She said she understands if anything happens last time.' he says, ushering you to walk out of the elevator as it stops at your floor. 

'So you know?' you ask, just for the sake of annoying him, 'that she likes you? Or do you think everyone likes you?' you say, his more peaceful expression turning sour at your question. 

'Sakuragi told me. And I don't like clingy people.' he says, opening the door to the studio. 

'So if I get clingy as we date you won't like me anymore?' you ask, Rukawa sighing as he lets you into the studio. 

Author's note: my brain is fried writing this

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