Chapter 17

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You had never run for your life this fast. 

Well, mainly because you never had this many people trying to catch you and annoy you with unnecessary questions.

'I am allowed to have dinner with other people!' you shout at the fangirls chasing you down the corridor, clearly angry at the fact that somebody told the ball of craziness that you had a "date" with Rukawa. 

'You! Stop being near him!' you hear them yell back in the most cringy way you could imagine, them clogging up the whole space despite the maths teacher trying to calm them down. 

'Stop running!' he shouts before being swarmed by the group of Rukawa's cheerleaders, his troubled expression being hidden behind the angry girls' faces. 

'Well, you stop chasing me!' you yell for the last time before you face-plant yourself onto someone, your voice getting muffled. Before you register the stinging pain in your nose, your damned biology does its function and breathes in the air in shock, the scent of cool peppermint wafting along. The person's shirt almost gets sucked into your nose causing you to cough immediately as you feel the two hands holding your shoulders push you a few steps backward. 

'What are you doing. You are the one who tells me to look where I'm going but you don't keep your own advice.' you hear Rukawa's voice, seeing his indifferent face as you look up. 

'You!-' you yell at his face, your own cough interrupting the opportunity to shout at Rukawa. You actively make an effort to stop yourself and take a breath as you look back at the group of fangirls now no longer livid for blood with heart-shaped eyes. 'they are out to get me because of you so you fix this mess. And stay away from me.' you say, pointing at the group of fangirls behind you and quickly disappearing into your classroom before they follow you even further. You slam the door in their face, Rukawa's gaze on your angry face through the classroom window as you take a seat.


The rest of the week flew by, 70% taken up by having to draw for hours on top of your usual schoolwork since there was one more match for Shohoku which meant that you had more pages to draw, 20% taken up by avoiding Rukawa and his fangirls, and 10% for hanging out with non-harmful girls who do not care about Rukawa whatsoever. 

And here you were, once again in your studio, on the easel sketching complex croquis as you feel the pressure building from the timer ticking the last few seconds of the 10 minutes you allowed yourself to fully design a drawing of a human throwing a ball. 

Despite the pressure and the general consensus that doing croquis on a blank white paper with a bland-looking pencil was the most boring task for artists, you never hated doing it. In fact, you found the feeling of mild friction of the graphite from the pencil dancing across the paper weirdly satisfying, watching whole new lines form and connect with each other to produce a shape of a human. You move your pencil faster across the page as you glance at your phone timer ticking the last few seconds, shading the darker parts of the drawing with the practiced motion before almost slamming down the pencil onto the ground just as the timer goes off loudly. 

Sighing, you tap the screen to stop the timer, the calming silence only filled by your pencil dropping onto the white floor. You get off of your stool to take the pencil back, glancing at your drawing as you lift yourself up again. 

'Even the drawing haunts me.' you say to yourself, rolling your eyes as you see the resemblance of Rukawa on the croquis of a person throwing a ball into the basketball ring. For good measure, you grip your pencil, adding fox ears and a tail onto the person before going into a state of staring at your own page for minutes. Before you go even madder, you hear the ping on your phone, Rukawa's message showing on the preview, whom you have been avoiding for the whole week since the "accident". 

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