Chapter 18

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Y/n's pov

You laugh at Rukawa looking annoyed as he glares at you through the window on the door of the studio which you just managed to lock him out, him saying something with his voice muffled from the closed door. He holds up the food while tapping the door, saying something along the lines of he will just leave with the food altogether. Coughing from laughter, you finally open the door for him, revealing his grumpy face on the other side.

'You ask me to bring food which I do and you don't open the door for five minutes.' he says as he enters, placing the plastic bags onto the table.

'That's for you disrupting my work time.' you say, eagerly placing yourself at the table and dragging the plastic bag towards you on the surface. 'Oo you brought chicken katsu.' you say as you reach into the bag, grabbing the food and inhaling the scent of the deep-fried chicken and fresh rice.

'That's what you asked.' he says as he takes a seat in front of you, taking his own food onto the table.

'Since when did you get the food I ordered without complaining?' you reply, popping open the plastic box with the chicken katsu and rice.

'Well you only asked me twice.' he says, sipping the steaming green tea.

'You count how many times I ask you to get me food? That's creepy. I even paid you back.' you say, biting into the crunchy chicken.

'I don't have to "count" to know that you asked me twice. Last week and this week.' he says, tossing the small plastic container with vegetables inside towards you.


The studio was only filled with the sound of the graphite scratching against the papers after you had lunch, both of you on the easel sketching. You check the lines on the paper are parallel as you place the pencils on top of them, tilting your head for a good measure before adding the details. Drawing the backgrounds was part of art that you dreaded the most, given how tiring and time-consuming it was, but it was something that you thought of as a challenge - one of the things that you could be most creative about.

Shading the darker areas of the building on your page, you put your pencil down, looking to your side to see Rukawa almost faceplanted on the canvas, snoring. You stare at his arms drooping down on either side of him as he shifts, turning his face away with his cheek still stuck to the paper in front of him. His pencil drops to the floor, the clanking sounds against the white tiles enough to make you frown. You turn your gaze back to Rukawa, his eyelids slowly opening as he faces you looking irritated.

'Finish drawing your cat.' you say, pointing at the canvas with his awkward drawing of a kitten with your own pencil.

'No.' he says, lifting himself up to sit properly. 'I'm too tired. I'll finish it next week.' he adds, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

'Who said you are coming here again next week?' you say, Rukawa only staring back at you blankly.

'Can we do something else? This is getting kind of boring.' he says again, which you sigh turning to glance at him once more in irritation.

'You promised me you would not annoy me and not let me do my work.' you reply, Rukawa's face staying indifferent as he only follows your movement opening the drawer full of paintings and sketches.

'Well you can organise my paintings and drawings. And don't sleep on them and drool.' you say, your voice straining as you lift up a pile of work from the drawer and place them on the table. Rukawa nods in silence, sitting next to you at the table as you turn your iPad on, pulling the artist's glove higher on your hand. Rukawa takes the painted canvases, checks the date, and starts to place them in chronological order.

'Since when did you start doing art?' Rukawa says, placing the canvas behind the other one after checking the year on the back.

'Since when I could hold a pencil?' you say, changing the color of your digital pen to red and lining the edges of the players. Rukawa stays silent for a few seconds, sorting through the loose pieces of paper with random sketches, and selecting the finished pieces. 'Well I've been drawing all my life but when I decided I wanted to do art for a career, it was in primary school.' you add, the only sound filling the room being your apple pencil on the screen and Rukawa organising the papers and canvases.

Author's note: short but putting it out bc i'll be in korea for the next two weeks so idk if i can update in the meantime!

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