Chapter 11

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Y/n's pov

'Kaede!' you hear the door to the hospital room open, Rukawa's mum running towards her son sitting on the hospital bed and starting to check him all over as you and Haruko stand on the side awkwardly. 

Rukawa only repeats that he is fine, the woman's eyes shifting over to you both on the side. 

'You must be his friends. Thank you so much for taking him here.' she says still slightly frantically as she wipes her tears, you glancing at Haruko at the word "friend". 

'Can we go home please?' Rukawa says to his mother, her looking confused at her son's indifferent face. You suppress the laughter at the fact that they could be this different from each other, which you understood since any parent would be worried if they get a call from the school that their child was injured but it was still a mystery to you. 

'Are you sure you're okay?' She asks, in which Rukawa nods before explaining that the doctor told him he could go when his parent comes to pick him up. 

'It was just a cut. Nothing was broken.' he says, in which you hold your tongue that he doesn't need to damage anything else to be dumb. 

'Well then. Thank you again for helping us. Excuse us.' Rukawa's mother says as she almost snatches his duffle bag from his shoulder, eyeing her son as if to warn him not to push himself before opening the door. You stare at the two blankly, wondering what you had just done - went to practice, technically bandaged his head, dragged him to the hospital, stayed while the doctor stitched his head and now you were left in the hospital room staring at them leave. 

''ka-san, L/n's parents were nice enough to invite me for dinner the other day. You should do the same.' you look up from gazing at the empty bed in front of you as you hear Rukawa's voice, his mother's expression equally confused as she looks back at you and Haruko. 

'Oh...' she says, as you awkwardly look towards Haruko only to find her blushing despite your signal to "do something".

'I'm fine. You can go.' you say quickly, picking your bag up to avoid any more situations with Rukawa.

'Well. Considering everything you did for us today, I guess it is only right for me to at least treat you both with good food.' Rukawa's mother says, you glaring at Rukawa behind her, hoping he would call off whatever was going on. Instead, he only opens the door to let his mother out of the room. 

'Rukawa-kun's mother is so kind!' Haruko squeals as she runs out of the room, leaving you staring at her back blankly. 

'I didn't say you were coming.' you hear Rukawa say to Haruko just as you follow them out and close the door. You widen your eyes at the bluntness that is on another level even coming from Rukawa, her mother looking also thrown aback. Haruko only stares at Rukawa with a surprised face looking confused as you doubt what you just heard. 

'Kaede!' His mother hisses at him, glaring at her son looking stoic before regaining her composure and carrying on. 'She also helped you get here. It is only fair she comes along.' She says, which makes the atmosphere even better for you to choke in awkwardness. 

'He did just damage his head, Haruko-chan. Don't mind him.' you say, Rukawa frowning at you, somehow looking more grumpy even though his mother laughs at your comment.  

'Well this is refreshing, I thought Kaede had no friends at school.' His mother says, which you almost cough at, pushing away the urge to tell her that he indeed does not have any friends at school.

Only a truck of crazy fangirls drooling over her son everywhere he goes.  


'That is such a good idea, Yuki-san! That way they won't be lonely living all by themselves abroad!' And there you were, watching your mum converse happily with Rukawa's mother about sending you both to America after graduating. Together.

You prod the lemon in your seven up with your straw, shifting your gaze from your parents to Rukawa in front of you currently engaging in intense fried chicken eating. He almost coughs as you kick his shin under the table, his stoic expression turning sour at you glaring at him from the opposite side. 

'Why did you have to drag me here and then get my mum involved too.' you say, Rukawa wiping his mouth with the back of his hand before aiming a savage kick in return under the table, which you quickly move out of the way.

'I invite you to dinner and you complain about it, I don't invite you, then you call me an ungrateful brat.' he replies, and you frown at him before looking up at your mum laughing at something Rukawa's mother has said. Your mum turns to glance at you, giving you a happy smile before returning back to her conversation. Sighing, you chew at your food, Haruko attacking the ice in her cup deep in thought. 

'Are you okay?' you ask, giving a side eye at Rukawa as he almost knocks the water cup onto the table.

'Oh...Just some stuff I'm thinking about.' she replies, you try to ask further but she stands up from her seat. 

'Well. It was nice having dinner with you both. I'll be going now.' she says, your mums still chatting with each other at the separate table. Before you can say something else, she waves her hand, rushing over to the door and leaving the restaurant. You stare at her back for a few seconds before turning to Rukawa in front of you. His eyelids droop, his eyes focused on the half-empty cup in front of him. 

'What?' Rukawa says as you kick him again in the leg, slouching on your chair and staring at him. 

'Why would you say that?' you ask, Rukawa's brows knitting together.

'Say what.' he replies grumpily, crossing his arms and lowering his head as if to ignore you and fall asleep in an instant. 

'She's upset because you said you didn't invite her or whatever.' you watch Rukawa's usual blank face as you chew on the paper straw in your cup. 'You don't normally say that to people in their face if you didn't know because of your lack of social skills.' you add, his eyebrows lifting into a dumb expression. 

'She just wants to go home.' he replies, and you narrow your eyes wondering if he was trying to convince himself more than convincing you. 

'You are melting the whole straw in your drink.' he says again, suddenly leaning over the desk to grab the paper straw from your mouth and yanking it out of your mouth to toss it on the table. 

'It is my straw and this whole thing is stressing me out so leave me alone.' you say, Rukawa only flinging the straw at you. 

'What thing?' he asks, and you finally roll your eyeballs wondering if he ever pays attention to anything else other than the basketball team. 

'You know? Your and my mum trying to send us to America together when we graduate? I don't get how my mum can just trust somebody like you just after seeing you once.' you say, looking over to your and Rukawa's mum happily talking to each other and laughing from time to time. 

'I'm sure you talked plenty of bad things about me to her.' he says, resting his chin on his palm to lean on the table while swishing his drink with his own straw. 

'Well of course. That's why I don't get her being like that. And I'm sure you also talked shit about me behind my back. If you even talk that much.' you shoot back, Rukawa moving on to attack the ice with the straw, which the paper straw ends up being folded in half from the impact. 

'No. I don't waste my time talking about people.' he says, and you take his straw to haul it at him like he did a minute ago. 

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