Chapter 10

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Y/n's pov

'I told you! He kindly said he didn't care if I cracked open my brain and then it was my mum who decided to invite him in for food. He went home after that.' you say for the fifth time today to Haruko and the others as you all walk to the gym, the crazy fangirls already having spread the story to the whole school since the morning.

'Wow, so he met your parents. And they loved him. And now they are making a plan to send you both to America when we graduate?' Matsui says, somewhat insensitive for Haruko looking slightly unsettled.

'No wonder the cheerleaders are out to get you.' Fujie says, eyeing the group of girls in the distance staring at you three.

'Unfortunately. Somebody needs to stop my parents. I can't tell whether they mean it or not.' you reply, opening the door to the gym only to shut it back seeing Rukawa right in front of you four.

'What, douahou.' you hear Rukawa's voice from the other side, followed by Sakuragi laughing at him for being stupid to have a door shut in his face.

'Don't stand so near the door if you don't want to get your face pancaked.' you say as you open the door again, Rukawa's eyes narrowing as he watches you four enter the gym. Putting your bag down onto the bench, you take a seat beside Ayako senpai, her greeting you happily as she looks up briefly from her clipboard.

'They should be practicing hard since we haven't got long until the match.' She sighs, watching Sakuragi and Rukawa pick a fight once again over the basketball.

'Everyone else is working hard. Just not Sakuragi it seems.' you reply, Haruko clapping wildly as Rukawa scores again, ignoring Sakuragi shouting foul words at him.

Before she says anything, you hear the gym door being thrown open, a group of men marching in, some with cigarettes between their teeth. Miyagi's face pale as they walk into the middle of the gym, the other players stopping their practice to stare at the gang, them almost cracking the floor with their shoes.

'What happened to his teeth.' you whisper to Matsui next to you seeing the guy with long hair, his tooth missing as he smiles grimly at Miyagi trying to reason that the basketball team has nothing to do with whatever problem they have going on.

'You didn't hear? Miyagi punched that guy during lunch and that took out his teeth.' she whispers back, and you glance at her wondering how she knows all the drama that goes on at school.

'Should we stop the practice?' you turn to Ayako-san, her watching the players talking to the gang about wearing the wrong shoes in the gym before their boss punch them to the ground. You wonder how you ended up here, being caught in the middle of a gang fight. Even more unbelievable - within the school grounds.

'Rukawa-kun!' you hear Haruko yell as he takes the basketball covered in dirt, holding it out to the yakuza boss.

'Clean it.' he says to the gang boss, which you wonder if he himself has a death wish seeing how his teammates are half rolling on the floor from being beaten up by him seconds ago.


True to your expectation, Ayako-san leans borderline unconscious Rukawa onto you on the bench, his head dripping in blood while the others engage in a full-on fistfight with the yakuza. Sighing, you take his duffle bag, taking out an extra t-shirt before tying it around his head, silently cursing at everyone on the basketball team who convinced you to join this mess. Since you had "joined" the basketball team, you had no single normal day at school, including having to nurse Rukawa bleeding everywhere.

'Why would everyone try to fight an actual yakuza gang instead of calling the police and not even let me out of this mess, then ask me to patch them up - so they can fight more? And now he acts like he's so brave and got his skull almost crack open.' you whine quietly at Rukawa's head as you press the t shirt on the wound.

'What are you doing?' you look down at Rukawa staring up at you from the bench as you tie the ends of the t shirt, his eyebrows flinching as you tug on it.

'You don't care if I crack my head open but apparently I have to. Stay still for god's sake.' you say as Rukawa moves away from your touch, wiping the blood from his forehead ignoring the others shouting from the outside to open the door.

'You were pressing too hard.' he says, touching the knot as you look down at him blandly.

'That's the point. If you stay awake for once in class you would know.' you say, him shifting his gaze away from you blankly.

'Grumpy ass.' he replies, ignoring you stopping to tie the t shirt around and glaring down at him.

'Rukawa-kun! Are you okay?' You look to your side to see Haruko standing next to you, looking at Rukawa's head with his t shirt almost soaked with blood.

'I'm fine.' he says blankly, staring at Sakuragi kicking and punching the toothless guy somehow making him more toothless by the second as Rukawa attempts to stand up. Before Rukawa can take one step, he almost loses his balance, grabbing the top of your head while trying to stand still. You frown as you feel his palm on your head, Haruko gasping as you glare up at him.

'Will you listen for once in your life? You move, you'll bleed more and die before you can stop them.' you say bluntly, taking his hand off of your head before pushing his shoulder down to make him sit down on the bench again and turning away from him as he stares at you grumpily.

'Shouldn't we call the ambulance and the police? They are saying they are worried that the team won't be able to compete if they appear to be associated with the gang but...' Haruko says to you, breaking the glaring game between Rukawa and you.

'Seriously? That's what they are afraid of? When it's those yakuza gang who decided to beat up children?' you say blankly, Matsui pointing at Sakuragi punching the toothless guy on the verge of death.

'I think now it's going the other way round.' she says, Kogure senpai trying to calm down Sakuragi from actually sending the guy unconscious.


'If you don't freaking listen, I will leave you on the ground.' you say as you and Haruko walk Rukawa to the hospital after watching the whole scene with the toothless guy apparently named Mitsui having a breakdown in front of the coach begging to be let into the basketball team.

'Nobody asked for your help.' Rukawa replies, Haruko on the other side only blushing at the fact that she was this near the stupid basketball geek.

'Yeah, because you can really stand and walk to the hospital by yourself. But then again, we should have just called the ambulance. People are watching because you look like a zombie right now.' you reply, shifting Rukawa's arm over your shoulders. Before he can reply something irritating back, your phone rings from your jacket you go through a whole other struggle to take it out of your pocket and press accept.

'Hello?' you say, your voice shaking as you support Rukawa's weight with every step.

'Is this Y/n-san?' you hear a worried woman's voice from the other side, and you reply feeling slightly annoyed at the fact that you were half carrying Rukawa to the hospital while now having to speak to a random person on the phone.

'Is Kaede with you? Is he okay? Please, where is he?' the woman says, and you distance the phone away from you, the flooding questions from the random person almost giving you a migraine.

'I'm fine, Oka-san' Rukawa says, the woman yelling in relief from the other side about how worried she was and where he is right now while you drag him to the ER building.

'He is not fine and I have now dragged him into the hospital.' you say as you hold your phone between your chin and your shoulder, signing him in on the form at the reception while the nurses put his grumpy self on the hospital bed.

[Rukawa x Y/n] Win For YouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora