Chapter 19

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Y/n's pov

'Y/n-chan!' you hear the door to the studio open, Haruko and Sakuragi entering the art studio towards you. 

'Oh. I didn't know you all were coming too.' you say, standing up from your seat to hold the door for them. Even though you were glad that you could spend time with your friends (surprisingly including Sakuragi), you were enjoying the comfortable silence before they came. 

'I didn't invite them before you blow up on me.' Rukawa says, preoccupied with the origami with a bunch of colourful papers spread in front of him on the desk. 

'Of course you didn't.' you say, watching him carefully fold the corner of the yellow paper as he glances at the instruction book to make a paper swan. Pulling another corner of the swan-shaped paper, he draws in the eye of the swan and tosses it into the jar you gave him to keep him from bothering you working. 

'Seriously, Rukawa? Origami?' Sakuragi shouts as he points at the yellow paper swan being added to the quarter-filled jar of paper origami that he's been preoccupying himself with while you drew. 

'Sugoi, Rukawa-kun! How many are you making?' Haruko asks, holding up the jar, and softly shaking the colourful paper animals inside. 

'Filling the jar.' he says curtly, flipping the origami book for his next target.

'I didn't know you of all people would love cats and bunnies let alone origami.' you say as he stops on the page on making origami rabbits. 

'Well, I didn't think you would draw me for fun.' he says, glancing at your croquis of a person throwing a basketball but with fox ears and tail. You feel your face heat like a cooked tomato, worsened by everyone's eyes traveling to the loose paper on the easel. 

'Who says that's you?' you say, Rukawa looking up with his usual bored expression to look at you sitting in front of him. 'I did croquis practice like I always do but just added ears and tail.' you say, Rukawa only blankly pointing at the trace of your scribble from being rubbed out, saying "Fox Rukawa ;(". 

'I see my name on it.' he says, Haruko looking confused as she glances between the two of you. 

'You! Draw me now! Draw me doing slam dunk!' Sakuragi breaks the seconds of silence as he laughs weirdly, almost hauling the pen and paper towards you. You frown as he tosses the stationary, your frown deepening when Rukawa deflects the paper away from you like a basketball, which hits Sakuragi in his face. 

'You! Stop wasting my paper.' you say to both of them, snatching the crinkled paper from the floor and taking the printed version of your sketch of Sakuragi from the wall, shoving it in his stomach. 

'Wahahahhaa! I look better than Rukawa you ugly fox!' Sakuragi laughs as he shoves the drawing in front of Rukawa's face, Rukawa hissing as he misses the perfect angle to fold the corner to make pink bunny ears. Haruko only makes an apologetic smile at Sakuragi, which you cough to hide your laughter at seeing her indirectly disagree with Sakuragi. 

'Pay.' you say, fixing your artist's glove on your hand and starting to sketch on your iPad screen. 

'What?' Sakuragi shouts, looking down at your other hand outstretched loosely towards him. You wave your palm at him, ushering him silently to pay for your art print. 

'I'm not paying for my own face, bakayaro!' he says, his expression going. blank as you snatch your drawing out of his reach.

'This print is not normally for sale. But since you want to take it,'ll have to pay the artist. Especially when last time I let you keep my profit for the fox painting. And technically using my studio every weekend.' you say, Sakuragi making a funny face and pretending to not listen. You roll your eyes, going back to tracing the rough sketch with cleaner lines. 

'I don't have money!' Sakuragi says again, staring at you pin the drawing straight back onto the idea board on the wall. 

'Not this time then.' you reply, going back to your screen. 


> Squid: they were not supposed to be here today

You glance at your phone as you hear the pinging sound, showing Rukawa's message on the preview. Looking up at him in front of you, you see him holding the jar full of origami, his head on the table using his arm as a pillow. You only watch him for a few seconds as his eyes are glued to his phone screen. 

> You: why are you texting

> Squid: I wasn't going to say that with both of them here with us

> You: since when do you care about socially acceptable behaviours

> You: now be quiet and let me do my work

> Squid: well I'm finished

> You: I will give you another jar

> Squid: no

> Squid: no more origami

> Squid: can we take a break at the cafe downstairs


> Squid: It will only take a little while

> Squid: And don't offer them to go with us

> You: why

> Squid: just don't

You look up from your phone screen to glare at Rukawa, his indifferent face only staring back. Sighing, you toss your digital pen and glove to the side, eyeing Sakuragi laughing at Haruko's comment while scratching his head like a monkey. 

'Well, we're going to get some coffee downstairs. Do you want me to bring any back?' you ask them on the easel, Haruko turning from her seat to face you and Rukawa. 

'Iced latte please! If you are busy, I can go and bring some for you, Y/n-chan.' she says, which you are about to gladly agree, except Rukawa only pulls you by your hand out of the door ignoring Sakuragi asking what types of coffee there are. 

'Are you that desperate for caffeine?' you say as he closes the door behind you, the other two still in the studio silently watching the two of you disappear into the corridor. 

'And why are you bringing that? To suggest to the cafe owner that you pay with your artwork instead?' you ask as you make your way toward the elevator. He narrows his eyes as he enters, holding the jar of origami in his arms. 

'You're weird.' you say as the elevator reaches the ground floor, walking past him towards the cafe. 


'Two iced black coffee and one iced latte please.' you say to the worker at the cafe, handing her your card. She smiles, raising her eyebrows at Rukawa behind you which you frown at. Just as she reaches out to take your card, you hiss at Rukawa pulling your hand back with his own card in front of him. 

'I can pay for your "disrupted" time.' he says, the girl at the counter looking slightly annoyed at the typical "card fight" that people usually pull. 

'Again, since when do you care about being socially acceptable? You pay for yours then. I will pay for the rest.' you say, the girl irritatedly almost snatching your card and Rukawa's although her expression softens at him. 

'The world is full of shallow people.' you say under your breath, suddenly being more thankful to have Matsui and Fujie at school at least. 

Author's note: why do I only write romance fanfiction when I cringe so much at the words that I am about to write. but I guess the readers like it so I shall cringe myself continuously. 

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