Chapter 1 : The Lady In Heels Is Head Over Heels

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Her seven inches high pencil heel clicked on the pristine white tiled floor. She wore a white knee length bodycon, her hair tied up in a high but messy ponytail.

“Good morning ma'am!”

“Morning ma'am!”

She acknowledged the greetings with a nod as she confidently sauntered towards the CEO's cabin.

Foxen Wilder
Chairperson Wilder Chemicals

The board read and her maroon tinted lips curled into a smile. Not bothering to knock, she opened the door and entered. The gigantic office was purely white, just like the entire building. White curtains, the flooring, white working desk and sofas — and if it had to do something with white being her favourite colour, she acted oblivious.

“Isabel!” - her father cried out merrily at her sight and stood up from his chair.

Foxen Wilder was a man of sixty-one, with grey hair and a wrinkled face. The wider known facts about him were he loved his daughter more than anything and loved his work like his daughter.

Isabel chuckled as she was engulfed into a warm hug by Foxen.

“You have started to visit daily now...” - there was a hint of suspicion in his voice that brought out a grin on her face.

“Do you mind Dad ?” - she arched her left eyebrow.

“Oh nonsense! My daughter visiting me is never a bother.” - Foxen said smiling widely. “But I sure am curious to know that to whom this lovely bouquet belongs ?” - he motioned towards the bouquet of red carnations in her hand.

Before she could answer, there was a knock on the door.

“Yes!” - Foxen yelled quite irked as he didn't like interruptions when he was with his daughter.

The door clicked open and Isabel barely stopped herself from sighing wistfully at the sight of the guy who entered.

Christopher Jose Watson.

It's been six months he had joined the office as her father's secretary and she had fallen for him at the first sight — which was shocking even to herself as in her twenty-three years of life, no guy had succeeded in capturing her heart. She gave half of the credit to his looks.

He was, hands-down, the most handsome guy she had ever seen. His dark blonde hair, tousled top with short low volume sides looked insanely sexy in contrast to his porcelain complexion. His jawline had been shaped with a chisel she was sure of it else no way in holy heavens could anyone bear such sharp and drool worthy jawline. Then the light stubble just went for the kill. He had the body of a hulk — not that she had the privilege to see him sans shirt — but his fit shirts that looked ready to rip open by his bulky biceps and shoulder blades made it obvious. His veiny hands and long, slender fingers which carried heavy files and typed gracefully on laptop, looked so soft as if, cotton. His long, lean legs which made him six feet tall, were the reason of that calm, confident and graceful walk of his. And finally...

His eyes.

Jesus! Those almond shaped, ocean blue eyes of his, guarded by long black lashes. They were so intense and deep like pacific ocean and ever since she had looked into them, she was drowned.

“Good morning Mr. Wilder.” - he greeted with a kind smile on his face, his soft voice casting a spell on her.

He turned to look at her and she sucked in a breath.

“Good morning Ms. Wilder.”

This time, she didn't stop the sigh from escaping her. In the past six months, she had dropped six hundred hints that she was interested in him but he was thick! At first, she thought he already had a girlfriend or was committed to someone but after digging out everything that was related to him even in the slightest, she had known he was single. So she started visiting the office more and more often and after three months' long hardwork, was only successful in coaxing him to not call her ‘ma'am’. But then he switched to ‘Ms. Wilder’ and now for the past three months, she was trying to get him not call her that and simply by her first name. She reckoned, she should just spell her feelings out to him ain't no way he was going to get the hints in that lifetime.

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