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Jay and Allison came in. Jay gave me a hug. And shook Tom's hand.

My dad said, "Tom if you would follow me please, we'd like to have a word with you in my library." Tom looked at me.  He whispered in my ear, "I told you."   I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Allison said, "Sydney I went and got a bridal planning book. We can start filling this out, so I can get a feel of what you want, but we should wait for Tom I guess."

Tom's view:

I knew it. I knew that I'm in big trouble with Sydney's dad. He was brief on the phone when I talked to him. He's upset. I know he wasn't planning on his little girl getting married so soon. Well either was she. I hope Rob didn't tell him about only getting the job for being engaged,

Mr. Mitchell said, "Sit down Tom. Can I fix you a drink?"

I'd really like to have a drink. Something strong. I mean I'm getting married in a month. But I don't want him thinking that I drink too much.

He said, "Jay fix me a scotch, and get Tom whatever he wants." I said, "I'll just have a beer."

I said, "Mr. Mitchell, I can see you're upset with me for setting a June wedding."

He said, "I'm not upset with you Tom. I know how much Sydney has always wanted a June wedding, and you are making her dreams come true. I can't be upset about that."

I said, "oh um, sir, I thought I was in trouble with you guys."

Jay laughed. He patted my shoulder. He said, "you look like you are about to pass out. You are going to be married in a month, you sure you don't want something stronger. I think I would need a strong drink." I shook my head.

Jay said, "The last thing I heard from you guys that you were having a long engagement, getting to know each other. What changed?"

Mr. Mitchell looked at me. He said, "I hope that you only made me a grandpa of a dog." I about choked on my beer. Started coughing.

Jay looked at me almost with a smirk on his face. He said, "I'm not wanting to be an uncle just yet, except to Amari."

I said, "you guys, no I haven't touched Sydney like that." Jay laughed. He said, 'Good answer."

I said, "I know this is a surprise and a shock." I think it is to me too.

I said, "I know that she is your little girl, and I know that you guys may not be ready for her to get married. I'm sorry if you feel like I let you all down by springing this on you, instead of coming and asking your blessing to set a June date. Especially since you and your wife were married in June."

Mr. Mitchell said, "Tom I am not upset about the wedding date being in June or moved up. As long as you treat my daughter like she deserves, we won't have a problem. I just wanted to have words with you. Your relationship is changing. You will be pledging your love, to my daughter, but not just your love, your loyalty, and your faithfulness. Marriage to me and to Sydney is a lifetime commitment. No matter if times are tough, you stick together. Marriage is not all easy. There are hard days. Struggles, problems, but if you truly are in love, and know what life without her would be, you vow to stick with it, through the good and bad. You don't go out and have affairs, or cheat." He gave me a stern look. A scary look. A look like one wrong move and he will arrange my demise, and I'll never be heard from again.

I said, "I know that sir. I think of marriage as a lifetime commitment as well. And I'll be honest with you, I really never saw myself getting married. These last 8 years, I never saw myself even wanting to have a girlfriend. I didn't want a relationship. Just hookups. But that all changed when I took one look at your daughter. I knew that night we met, she was special. I give you both my word. I'm nothing like Rob. Sydney's heart is safe with me. I will never betray her. I will never cheat on her."

JUMP STREET'S JUNE BRIDE???Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora