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Sydney's view:

Tom cried.  He said, "Sydney please be patient with me. I will tell you everything. I won't leave anything out. But this is hard on me. I have never told a single person about this. I mean not even Judy knows the details or has heard this. Not even my mom.  So please I'm begging you tell me you don't hate me. Tell me that after I bare my soul to you, that you will still be my best friend. That you will still want to be my partner. I promise I will fix this. No one will be laughing at you. You won't be humiliated. I promise. I have an idea. But you have to forgive me. Just one more time. I know I've hurt you. I know I've been cruel. I hurt you the night we met, the next morning, and then when I left you behind. And I hurt you tonight. More than once. When I screamed at you, then when I humiliated you. I never meant to do any of this." 

He said, "Sydney please give me one last chance. I can't lose you. please Sydney."  I said, "Tom yes you hurt me. Over and over. And I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know that you were blindsided tonight, and I know that is my fault. I never dreamed you would know Rob. I don't hate you. But you really made a big mess, and there is no way out except humiliation for me. So please understand that right now I'm freaking out, and I'm upset. I don't hate you. But I still want to be partners. I still want to be friends. I'm not mad at you. I'm just upset. I'm sorry Tom. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm just freaking out right now. But I am here for you. You can trust me, Tommy. I promise you I will never tell anyone anything you tell me in secret."

 Jay called.  I said, "Jay come on dude. Please he's not drunk. But I need to talk to him."  He said, "Sydney I'm sorry but you are my baby sister, he was out of control and drunk. I'm going to keep checking on you."  I said, "I'm a cop. I can defend myself and I have a gun. But I don't need it, he's not drunk. He would never hurt me like that. I know that for a fact. I promise I will text you right after he talks to me."

Tom had his head down.  Crying.  I said, "Tom" He looked up. I hugged him.

Tom said, 'I don't even know where to start."  I said, "just take your time. Start wherever you want."

Tom said, "this is so hard for me to talk about it. I want you to know though, it's more because two things happened. Making it the worst night of my life. And I think if it was only the 2nd thing happened, I would have not hurt as bad. But because of the first thing that happened, they are lumped together. When I think of the 2nd thing, it makes me remember the first thing, and I don't care how long it has been I'm taken right back there. To relive it all again."  I stroked his hair. Ran my hands through his hair.  

Tom said, "I guess I'll start from the very beginning. When I was 5 my dad got a new job offer. It was more money, a bigger police force, bigger town, so we had to move away. It was May and I started kindergarten in the fall.  My dad's partner they became close friends, and welcomed us to town, my mom became friends with his wife, and we had family dinners together, and trips."

Tom said, "They had a child my age. 5 starting kindergarten, a little girl. So, she was my first friend in my new town. We played together, and I mean became best friends because I didn't know anyone else. My mom worked and her mom didn't, so her mom babysat me every day, so we bonded."

Tom said, "School started, we both made new friends, but our bond stayed. And she became like my first everything. My first kiss, the first girl I made out with, my first time."    

I think, I  know I shouldn't be jealous.  But I am. I mean I would have loved to have grown up with him, and been his first for everything, but of course he wouldn't want that.

Tom said, "I remember I was so crazy for her. I mean crushing hard, and I wanted to ask her if she would be my girlfriend, and I was so nervous, but I talked to my dad, and he gave me the confidence to ask her out. So, I worked hard doing jobs in the neighborhood, mowing lawns, and my allowance, and I rode my bike downtown and bought her flowers, and then gave them to her and asked her if she would be my girlfriend and go out on a date with me."

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