Chapter Eighteen - Glitz and Glamor

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Grayland drives while I sit in the passenger seat and the boy sits in the back seat staring out the window sullenly.

He was still not speaking after being made to wait in the motel room and not being told where we were going.

Things felt different with Gray around, I felt more in control, more myself. I wasn't sure if it was because I wanted Gray to believe I was myself or not wanting him to see me as I truly was around the boy, weak and reckless.

"What have you been doing until now?" Gray asks casually.

"Honestly, not getting anywhere. I've been from one side of this country to another and you're the best lead I have had so far. I didn't think it would be this difficult." I answer honestly.

"I don't think it would be under normal circumstance." He says looking in the review mirror to look at the boy who turns his head slightly, very aware of our conversation.

I don't reply, knowing he was right of course. Everything was simpler when alone and free of the human restrictions that came with this boy.

We drive quietly, all of us used to the silence by now and I was taking advantage of having Gray by my side once more.

LA was always too bright for me. I rarely visited the place and usually kept to darker, colder places.

We arrived just as the sun was setting and Gray drove around until he decided to stop.

"I think this is a good central location." He says opening the car door as we all get out.

The boy stretches and pulls his pack from the car, pulling the strap over his shoulder and waiting for us to move, he never left it anywhere now.

I wait for Gray who leads the way.

We are in the middle of Las Angeles and tanned beautiful people crowd the streets. Anyone who wanted to be famous or important came here and it seemed a strange location to have a coven full of Hollows but I did not hesitate as I followed Gray into the heart of the city.

He stopped and walked into a small eatery. It was Asian by the look and the glass cabinet with trays of sushi rolls confirmed it but I don't think it was the menu that made Gray choose this restaurant out of all the restaurants in the area, no this one was much quieter and hidden away by the stained glass windows that hid away the crowded street.

He stopped and walked into a small café.

We are greeted as we take a seat at one of the tables in the back corner. One of the young Asian women places menus on the tables in front of us.

"We're going to need a few minutes to decide." Gray says in fluent Korean.

She smiles and walks away.

"Stay still." He says to both of us in a low tone.

I look at the boy who nods and sits still, steadying his breath just as he had with me.

Gray closes his eyes and goes very still, he is gone for almost ten minutes before he comes back, his eyes opening suddenly and blinking quickly.

The girl comes back just as he begins moving again and asks for our order.

"We should eat first, theyr'e not going anywhere." Gray tells us before placing his order.

The boy looks confused by the menu then orders at random while I choose one of the basic rice and chicken dishes knowing it didn't matter to me.

We eat our meals of rice and noodles quickly before Gray gets up and walks to the counter.

I use the moment to go to the bathroom.

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