3.12 - Becoming Siblings- Downfall of Humanity

Start from the beginning

'Was the lovestruck fool I saw during the world story only an illusion?'

(Bing Shi): Did you say bye-bye to your family? Are you going to spend the last two months with them? How unlucky to be hit by the bloody rain. But there are some positives too, at least you know which of your men won't turn into zombies.👽

Yi Zen felt a tad skeptical.

(Yi Zen): Too busy to visit them.

(Bing Shi: Of course, Mr. No-Feelings. When are you going to upgrade to Mr.Yes-feelings?👽

(Yi Zen): Don't wait for the impossible.

(Bing Shi): Come on. Everyone is so bad to me today. At least a little bit of emotion for this poor me.

(Yi Zen): You deserved it.

'Don't think you are the only one who can provide me with protection. Now, tell me, are you worth my extra time? Of course, you are. I want my EP.'

(Bing Shi): Nooo, I'm in dire need of positive energy. I need to replenish it. Yi Zen, how about you ask your men to record themselves eating durian? But as a good person, having you eating it is enough. One for all or all for one?👽

(Yi Zen): None.

(Bing Shi): Others in my place, would strip you out of clothes, shove you into a pool of mashed stinky durians, and take a picture of you.👽

Going along with her gags, he didn't flare-up.

(Yi Zen): Isn't it what you would do?

(Bing Shi): I'm a nice person. I only imagined it in my head. 👽

Was she trying to anger him? Make him smile? Yi Zen had no idea. One thing he was sure of was that she was making fun of him. Inhaling the tobacco, he typed on the phone.

(Yi Zen): Had enough fun?

(Bing Shi): Yes, it's time for my disappearance. 👽

(Yi Zen): Where are you going?

(Bing Shi): Shopping.

(Bing Shi): But I have no money.('༎ຶД༎ຶ') Yi Zen, give me some cash, please.

He sent a ruthless...

(Yi Zen): No.

(Bing Shi): Of all types of big brothers, did you have to choose the cold one? I'll be gone for two months. Don't miss me. Bye Bye. 👽

Bing Shi watched how Yi Zen placed the phone in his hand on the window frame and continued to smoke expressionlessly.

'He knows that I'm watching him, doesn't he? Well, that's the disadvantage of being seen as a hacker.'

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Kuro, who had just returned from a trip, sprawled lazily on the couch as Bing Shi greeted him. Its tail wagged in response.

[Host, I'm back. How is it going with the male lead?]

["I have no idea how to gain his trust, nor does he know how to gain mine."]

Bing Shi sighed and leaned back in her chair.

["We decided to force it... by becoming siblings."]

'I came up with the idea, and he had to oblige without a choice... hehe...'

[Siblings? Doesn't it usually start with a friendship or a business partnership?]

["Siblings, no matter what, are always going to be siblings. You can't say that about friends."]

After a moment of contemplation, she continued.

["I'm attempting to change his mindset into that of an elder brother; anything more is considered incest. One of the quests is to make Yi Zen fall in love. What about the love between siblings?"]

Tip N. 3. What to do If you can't avoid the male lead? Try to be his sister or brother.

[I don't know.]

["This idea struck me when I was thinking about the most efficient way, how to combine all the quests, and voilà, a monkey spoke up... How was your trip?"]

[Fu Lian finished taking revenge on all the people who mistreated her. Thanks to the healing pond, her psychic power and beauty increased. She has no problem fighting a whole gang now.]

Bing Shi let Kuro monitor Fu Lian. In case of an emergency, it could protect her. As for Yi Zen, his instincts were too sharp. Kuro could only hack nearby cameras and his devices.

'Will the female lead be able to withstand Yi Zen's attack now? It appears that no matter how strong she becomes, the male lead will always manage to stay one step ahead of her.'

["They should meet before the apocalypse. Where and when?"]

[A week before the apocalypse, near the borders with country A.]

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