Author's Note

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(Word count: 183)

So, I've seen people try this before and a lot of them don't actually finish the story, I can tell why lol. Anyways, imma try and do it since I'm bored, except imma write the entire thing before I post this then I'll post one chapter a day. This is just so I can abandon this without feeling like shit for discontinuing ANOTHER story. If you see this then that means I actually managed to finish this 30 day challenge (let's be honest, this'll probably take me like 2-5 months (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) ) Also, I'm very sorry if the text gives off more of a vibe from when people roplay, and that's because I've been on for way to long…- Another thing, I'm sorry if the entire chapter isn't mainly the one subject, I decided that I wanted to make stories out of the things. So I'm very sorry if this isn't what you expected or wanted. Again, I deeply apologize. Anyways, bye bye my fellow ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinary humans ✨

(Date started: 8/22/23)

Update: So my phone is having a hard time keeping all of the drafts so I think I may post once a week. I've got multiple chapters done right now and I think I'll be able to finish at least one a week when I run out of the chapters to post. It's been having slight trouble saving and stuff so I may do that instead. The only thing I'm worried about is if I lose motivation (it's already starting to happen). If I lose motivation then it'll be bad if I discontinue the story. If I wait till the end to post then I won't have to worry about disappointing anyone since they won't know that this exists. I apologize if I discontinue this, idk if I will or not so yeah. Right now I'm forcing myself to write at least once a day

(New word count: 332)

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