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When i seen the video yana sent me my whole world came crashing down.


Waking him out his sleep by slapping THE SHIT outta him.

Ive had enough.

"Fuck mayahni" He said sitting up fast af.

Throwing my phone at him getting outta bed and getting dressed so i can leave.

"Yahni its old i promise" He said tryna stop me from getting dressed

"How fucking old Jadyn you just dyed your hair 2 weeks ago" I said now getting loud.

"Yahni" He said before i walked out his room slamming the door.

Im done.

Dealing with him i don't even have no more tears to cry.

Ofc his momma tried to ask what happened as if the girl wasn't here?

Them mommas be playing both sides.

Shits grimey.

Driving to yana house because thats where we're staying tonight.

Playing Drake Shot for me.

The best btw.

"Hey yahni" Ky greeted as i walked in

"Hey boo" I said back.

Yana was in the kitchen eating chips and cheese sauce.

"Hey friend" She said before i sat down beside her

"Hey" I replied

"Well... J5 said he want you" She blurted out.

He been wanting me for a minute..

"Anddddd they on the way here as we speak"She said

"Who" Ky said walking in.

"Bostyn nem" She answered

I just looked.

"Yahni are you gonna talk to him" Yana asked

"Ehhh maybe, but he gotta speak first" I said.

"no problem with that"Yana said before getting on her phone.

"They outside" Yana said instantly making my stomach sank.

"Come on yahni" Ky said grabbing my hand walking us into the living room

Sitting as close to Kymori as i can.

Then they walked in.

Damn he sexy

I thought to myself. He was wearing a white and red hoodie with black jeans and cherry 11s.

"Damn go sit by him" Melvs said breaking my attention.

"Hey melvin" I said getting up going to sit by him.

"Hey yahni" He said sitting beside Kymori

Heart in my ass sitting beside him

"Yall wanna smoke" B asked before pulling out some weed and woods

Passing it to J5.

Texting the group chat i want him to lick me like that

"Mayahni you said you want Justyn to lick you like that what" Yana said being messy

"AYANA" I said yelling as Kymori was dyingg

When i looked at him he had so reaction.

Im rey kms omg

"Can we go before my dad gets here" Yana said

"Yeah cmon" Bosten said before we started getting up.

"Yahni you ride with Justyn" B said smirking

"Oh ok" I said before looking at him.

He just looked.

Walking with him to his car he unlocked the door. When i looked back i seen a carseat

"Is that a carseat?" I asked. im so dumb

He just stared before playing music.

"Well you dont have to be rude" I said

"Aint nobody being rude" He said mugging

"Why you so mean" I said now facing sideways

"Ain mean either" He said before driving away from yana house

"Youn wanna talk" I asked turning my head sideways

"Bro" He said

"Ok" I said getting on my phone texting the groupchat

"Mayahni" He said

"What" i said clearly upset

I hate feeling like im bothering someone.

"Whatchu wanna talk about" He asked

"Nothing never mind youn care ion care" I said

"Yes its a carseat aint that what it look like" He said

"I was just tryna make conversation" I said back

"You gotta kid" I asked

" A son" He answered

"Whats his name" I asked

"Austyn" He said

"How old" I asked

"4" He answered

"Oh" I said before looking out the window

When we pulled up to the airbnb it was niceee they got moneyyyyyyyyy

Walking beside him, really close he stopped before looking at me

"Oh. too close" I asked

He just stared before walking again

When we walked in we sat down and they started smoking.

I don't smoke so i was just on my phone.

When they was high enough i guess B took yana to his room and Melvs took kymori to his

So it was just me and him in here.

"You wanna go upstairs" He asked making me get nervous

"Yeah" I answered before he took my hand and lead me upstairs

Ouu boy

When we got in here he didn't try to make a move

"So uhh" I said breaking the silence

"Not tryna fuck you and we don't even know eachother you know" He said before taking his shoes off and laying down

"I understand" I said before taking my shoes off as well

"Cmere" He said pulling me on his chest

"Whens your birthday" He asked breaking the silence

"March 25, yours?" I asked

"December 8th" He answered

"Im tired tho" He said

"Ok goodnight" I said before closing my eyes

"Goodnight mama" He said

Feel like im doing good with making them longer

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