Chapter 5: The Dark Revival Part 2

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Audrey's POV...
I woke up in an electric chair to a voice. Last i remember was being grabbed by that lady. I hope Y/n heard me scream in there. "Awake at last. I was almost afraid you'd miss the party." I heard.
"Whats going on?" I asked. I saw the lady that looked like her face was missing across the table from me. "Oh. Seems like you're just a little overwhelmed. Thats alright, honey. I understand. Its not everyday one gets to bask in the glory of an angel." She said.
"An angel?" I questioned. This girl looked nothing like an angel. If I'm being honest, that ink guy with the banjo looked better than her, and he was all ink. "Alice Angel, to be exact. Thats who i am." The "angel" across from me said. "Sent from above, impending perfection." So that's why our Alice doesn't like being called... Alice. Because of this freak.
"What do you want?" I asked, already pissed at her as she laughed. She left her chair and walked to me. "Right to the chase. I like that. The truth is, honey, you're one of a kind." Alice Angel told me. She put her arm on my chair. I raised my arm. "To put it bluntly, what i want... is your face removed. Your skin peeled away like paper, and your insides torn out and tossed on my table!" She yelled. "Custom parts ready for my delicious harvest!! And with your generous sacrifice, I'll be beautiful. But for now, lets have fun." She said as she walked away. "Lets all play a game of riddles!"
"No." I said.
"Okay, heres the deal. Behind you is the door to freedom. But it will only be open if you solve my little puzzle, then return to your chair. Then, I'll throw this switch. If you get the puzzle right, you walk away. Get it wrong, you fry." She said. I stood from my seat. I went to the Lost Ones and got some information. About a bear, a rabbit, a chicken, and a fox.
The fox won't sit on the left, but he sits next to the bird.
The rabbit won't sit next to the bird, but loves the company of the bear.
The bear always sits with the bird, but would never be caught by the fox.
The bird loved to court danger by sitting next to the fox.
I went behind Alice Angel to the console with the riddle. I put the characters in this order: rabbit, bear, bird, fox. I put them in, and pulled a lever. Then i returned to the electric chair. "Hold on tight, honey. Here it comes. Three, two, one." Alice Angel pulled the switch. It electrocuted the Lost Ones. "Nooo!!!" She screamed. I closed my eyes to breathe. When i opened them, she was gone. I left out from the door behind me. I saw one of those lightning towers. Then three of the Lost Ones with bags on their heads ran at me. I had to fight with my hands until Y/n ran out with two Gent Pipes and took them down. "Y/n!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. He hugged me back. "How did you find me?" I asked.
"I followed the tunnel in the bathroom. Where you went." Y/n said. He handed me my pipe. Then he turned off the tower. "Lets go." He said. We went up a ladder and used our power to flow across to a balcony. We went down a hall and heard a noise. It sounded like a gun being loaded. Then multiple bullets were shot through the wall. Y/n jumped at me, pushing me down from the guns. "Who the hell is that?" He asked.
"The woman who kidnapped me!" Audrey said.
"That psycho has a damn Tommy Gun! We gotta stop her!" We flowed from behind one wall to another as she shot at us. "I wish there was a gun around here." Y/n said.
"Yeah, me too! But there isn't. We gotta deal with her this way." I said.

Y/n's POV...
We crawled up a ladder.I put my pipe in a door and charged it. It opened a door to a hallway with a door and a lever. I pulled the lever. "A light turned on!" Audrey said.
"Is the door open?" I asked.
"No. We need one more."
We left the room and ran across, avoiding the Tommy Gun's bullets. "Stop hiding! Start dying!" Alice Angel yelled.
"Wait, we need to charge our pipes." Audrey said. She grabbed my arm and we ran to a recharge station. After both of our pipes were charged, we went back and flowed up to another story. Audrey used hers to unlock the door. She ran in and pulled the lever. "The doors open!" Audrey said. She ran back out to me. "Heres my plan. We banish her." Audrey said.
"Okay." I agreed with a nod. We ran back around and went through the door. Audrey and I snuck up behind Alice Angel. She went behind her and was about to banish her, but she turned around. "NO! How dare you touch me!" Alice Angel yelled. I ran it and shoved my pipe's spike in her leg. She screamed in pain and I whacked Alice Angel off the platform. Audrey fell too. I stepped back. Alice Angel growled at Audrey and aimed the Tommy Gun at her. I jumped down on her back. Both of us rolled on the ground. She stood up and held her gun at me. I jumped up and grabbed the gun. We fought over it, and I eventually shoved it into her jaw, making ink come out of her lip. She pushed me down and aimed it at me. "Final curtain, baby." She said to me. Then, a katana went through her chest. Alice Angel dropped the Tommy Gun and the katana was pulled back. Alice caught Alice Angel as she fell. "My face." Alice Angel said. "You have my face..." Alice Angel touched it.
"Its our face." Alice said.
"I'm... beautiful." Alice Angel exhaled.
"Always were." Alice told her. Alice Angel died. "Are you two alright?" Alice asked.
"I can't tell you how good it is to see you!" Audrey said.
"Thanks for showing up when you did." I said. We saw the wolf next to her. "This must be your wolf."
"This is Tom. My protector. My friend." Alice said. The wolf nodded. I guess he couldn't talk. "Now i understand why you don't like being called, 'Alice'." Audrey said.
"Yeah. Because of this psycho who ain't damn now." I kicked the corpse.
"The machine makes many copies of the same character on the outside. On the inside, we're all pretty different." Alice told us. "Take me and her as one example. Take Tom as another. There's another wolf running around the studio who's not as brave as Tom, but still a helpful friend."
"Well, we gotta change your name. Alice doesn't suit you." I said.
"How about Allison?" Audrey said.
"Allison. Okay. I'll try it out." She said. "But what in heaven's name are you doing in Wilson's retreat?" Allison asked.
"Oh, Wilson! We have to get back right away!" Audrey said.
"Are you crazy? Wilson's our enemy! We have seen what he's done to our world. Thats enough for me." Allison said.
"It sounds like he has a way to kill The Ink Demon for good. We need to return to hear him out." I told Allison and Tom.
"If its true, you'll all need as much help as you can get. Tom and I gather some of our friends. Anyone who's left. Good luck, you two." Allison said.

Bendy and the Dark Revival w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now