Welcome to the Studio

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Y/n's POV...
I hope up to see someone next to me. "Whats wrong with my hands?" She asked herself.
"Oh dear god, i don't feel good. Who are you?" I mumbled. She looked over to me and screamed. "Who are you?!" She yelled.
"I asked you first, answer me first." I told her.
"I'm Audrey." She told me. I got a good, long look at her and saw it was Audrey. "Audrey? Its me, Y/n." I said.
"Oh my god... oh, Y/n. What's happened to us?" She asked.
"I don't know..." I said. We both rose from the ground. I saw a note on a table. I grabbed it. "'Every great story begins with a mystery. Although things may be dark at the start, the truth will illuminate your way. Don't be afraid of who you are. Fear only what you may become, and banish it away.'" I read. "'Your Best Pal'... who wrote this?" I asked. I saw there were drawers on the table and i opened one. There were two metal bars. "Hmm... what are these?"
"Maybe they're for this?" She asked. She pointed at the ladder missing two steps. I walked over a put one in, but kept the other. "No idea where we are, but I'm gonna keep this one for a weapon." I told Audrey. She climbed up the ladder and I followed behind her. We crouched under a boarded off door frame and went into a hallway. "Attention! Children of the Machine! This is Wilson. Your friend, your protector." We heard over the intercom from Wilson. "For two hundred and eleven days, you have lived without The Ink Demon haunting your steps. I banished him away. Tore his body in two. In return, I ask you of one favor. Among you, there are two strangers. Young adults. Bring them to me." The intercom hung up. Audrey grabbed another note. "'Joey, Jack and I have been wondering if you could meet with us considering the current situation? We have been with you for many years and we feel we have contributed to the success of Bendy in the past. Our interest is purely in keeping this company strong. We just want to help however we can.'" She read. "'Sammy Lawrence'... is this Joey the same as Joey Drew? And what about Sammy?" She asked.
"Who knows. This place is full of crap we know not a thing about." I said. I took Audrey's hand. We continued on our way down a hall, and through some ink. We got to a garage. It started to open. As soon as it was fully open, we went through. Some ink monster fell out of a vent. It was dead though. I tapped it with my bar. We kept moving. We came across a tape on a table. I pressed play. "I just received the call. Joey Drew is dead. Quite an end to an extraordinary life. I heard he was staying in some crap apartment downtown. I could practically hear the rats through the telephone when he called last time. Despite of that, old Joey sounded quite happy last we spoke. Well, farewell, my friend. What will become of your creations?" The tape ended.
"Was that Nathan Arch?" I asked. "He sounded kind of young."
"Lets keep going. We gotta find a way out of here." Audrey said. She saw a wall with some bricks sticking out. I went up first. "Your turn." I said. Audrey climbed up and we kept moving down the hall to a lever. She pulled a lever and and we went down the hall to an opening garage. I thought i saw someone walking. But when we went down the hall, no one was there.
Pretty sure there was a vent at the end of the hallway, so thats probably where Boris went.
We got to a whole toy factory called Heavenly Toys. "What even is all of this?" I asked. We went up the stairs at the opposite side of the room. Another wall. Audrey climbed up and got swatted down by a small monster. She fell into my arms. I caught her and the monster jumped down. I put Audrey down and pulled out my metal bar. It whacked it out of my hand and in the ink. "Crap! Plan B, run and hide!" I said. We ran into a little miracle station. I'm surprised we both fit in the station. We both blushed. The monster tried to break in, but we heard someone humming. The monster seemed frightened. It walked away. We both got out. "You okay?" I asked Audrey.
"Yeah. Thank you for catching me." Audrey said as she grabbed her hand.
"You're bleeding." I said, noticing the black liquid dripping from her hand. I saw a chest in front of us at the Heavenly Toys ink fountain. "Lets see if theres some bandages inside." I said. We went to check and we saw a can of bacon soup inside. I grabbed it. "Well, its food. Could help." I gave it to Audrey. She opened it and took a drink. Her hands started to stop dripping. "Hey, your hands are better." I said.
"I wouldn't drink too much of that if i were you." We heard. We saw some woman in a black dress, wearing black gloves, and a bowtie on her chest. She was armed with a katana. "It helps patch you up. But the aftertaste, its not too good." She approached us. "Easy now, I'm not gonna hurt you. Looked like you needed some help." The girl grabbed Audrey's hand and examined it. "Don't touch me! What are you? What is this horrible place?" Audrey asked.
"Yeah, i remember my first day down here. I know its scary, but you're actually pretty lucky. The machine could have turned you into a Searcher." She told us.
"Is that what that thing that attacked us is called?" I asked.
"No, that was a Piper. And he's part of a gang, so be careful." She said. I took note of it immediately.
"I don't understand any of this." Audrey said. "I can't think, it hurts."
"Yeah, my heads been aching a little too." I said.
"You'll catch on pretty quickly, if you can stay alive. Lesson one: Searchers don't have legs and tend to swarm. Its not good to stay in one place for too long. Keep moving and stay close to the shadows." She told us. "Take my advice. Head to the upper levels. Its safer there."
"Why can't we come with you?" I asked.
"I have a wolf. He's doesn't care for strangers." She said. "Good luck. I hope we meet again." She turned around and started walking, but then stopped. "Oh! And one more thing! Stay away from The Ink Demon."
"Whats an 'Ink Demon'?" Audrey asked.
"You'll know when you see him. He likes to smile, and kills anything that moves."
"Whats your name?" I asked.
"They call me Alice. I'm not very fond of it."
"I'm Audrey. He's Y/n." Audrey introduced us.
"Well, Audrey and Y/n. Welcome to the studio!" She said. We saw the lights in the room come on. Alice was gone.

Bendy and the Dark Revival w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now