happiness and endings

238 22 5

1 year later

Jimin POV

I don't think I've ever been so happy in my life. I am on my way to meet my boyfriend who had messaged me earlier telling me to meet him at our secret spot. I'm not sure what the occasion is but I dressed up anyways and rushed over.

It's been a year since the party where we became officially boyfriends. After the party I had explained the reason I had been late to his game and he was so understanding and worried about me I almost cried. He's been so gentle and patient I couldn't ask for anyone better. Of course we've had our fights just like other couples but we always manage to talk it out. We've really gotten closer, and our bond stronger, with each passing day.

As I neared the entrance to our secret spot I felt my smile grow bigger. Although I just saw him yesterday I was already so excited to see the love of my life.

When I drew back the branches my eyes widened.

"Jiminie!" Jungkook looked so disheveled. His hair was messy and had leaves all through it and his clothes were unkempt. It looked as though he was trying to cover up the makeshift table that was placed in the clearing.

"C-close your eyes!!" I chuckled and did as I was told. Although I couldn't see o could hear him fixing up himself and the set up he was working on. "God damn this stupid table cloth...I thought you were going to message before you got here! Remind me to pin this location for next time so I don't get lost"

His footsteps could be heard running to my spot and soon his hand was tangles with mine.

"Ok keep your eyes closed and follow me. No peeking! I mean it!" I laughed and followed him blindly without a second thought. He let go of my hand and I unconsciously missed his touch but soon enough they were back together.

"Now...open your eyes!"

When I did what I was told I gasped in awe. The table was set with a candlelit picnic over looking the pond. All my favourite foods were placed and ready to be eaten. He'd even decorated the tree with little fairy lights and pictures we'd taken together.

I turned to Jungkook and hugged him tight. "Thank you!" I whispered.

"Oh thank goodness you like it" he sighed which cause me to laugh.

"I love it!!" I pulled him to the table and sat down ready to devour to delicious looking food. "How did you manage all of this?"

He scratched the back of his neck with an embattled chuckle. "Ahh~ it was a struggle. I kinda got lost trying to find this place and ended up in crashing some elderly ladies tea party! They forced me to sit with them for an hour. Then on my way back I found a little baby squirrel but it's family wasn't as nice! I actually got hear about 10 minutes before you did"

I laughed as he explained his adventures in finding this place. How the ladies had scolded him on his etiquette. How he'd been chased by a family of squirrels when he found the little baby and thought it was too cute. I almost died of laughter when he finished his story and an acorn fell on his head.

As my laughter died down and he stopped whining about being bullied. We sat in a comfortable silence.

"Oh! I have something to give you." He walked over and kneeled in front of my with a small box in his hand. "I remember you told me that you aren't much of a ring person and you already have the necklace that Taehyung hyung gave you so..." he opened the box to reveal a bracelet. It had white and black beads in different patterns.

"The pattern means 'I love you' in morse code." He explained.

I could feel my eyes get teary but I smiled so wide regardless.

I pulled his face to mine kissed him gently. He was shocked at first but quickly responded and held me tight.

"I love you" I whispered.

"I love you." He smiled at me.

We went and sat by the pond together and watched the sunset over the trees. I smiled softly at the water as it sparkles in the evening sun. Two swans sat a top creating ripples as they swam together.

This is the best part of life and I'm so happy to have him to share it with.


I'd really like to start of saying that I did not expect this story to get as many reads as it did! Thank you for all the love and support you have this book by voting and commenting. I loved reading everything had to say about the story and all your inputs!

I came up with the idea randomly and I'm so happy that I saw it through. Publishing a book is really out of my comfort zone but seeing how many people enjoy it really makes me so happy<33

Thank you so very much for sticking with me until the end!! I hope you all stay happy and healthy and I wish the best for you in everything you do:))

Lots of love❤️


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