Libraries and déjà vu

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Jimin POV

I sat there in shock. I never expected Jungkook to have such a hard childhood. Taking what Seokjin just told me and matching it against the Jungkook I know, you got two different pictures.

"I'm sorry to dump this all on you but Jungkook has been acting really strange lately. He hardly eats, he's always in his room, and he's sad, but he won't tell me what's wrong! He hasn't been this depressed since our mom died. I thought maybe you knew since he always talked about you." Seokjin explained.

I knew what was wrong. It was all my fault after all. He was like this because of me. Yet part of me still refused. "I don't know." I lied. I'm a terrible person.

"Oh. Ok then." He seemed defeated. Like I was his last hope. "We'll if you find anything out please contact me."

He took a piece of paper out of his...purse?... and handed it to me.

"This is my contact information. Please tell me if you find out or know anything."

"I will." I won't. At least probably won't.

Jin took out his phone when it buzzed in his pocket checking a message. I stood there awkwardly. The kind of awkward where you don't know if you should wait for them to finish ignoring you or say you need to do something else. I guess it was the former in my case, my elder looking at me once again.

"Sorry about that. My boyfriend's here to pick me up."

"It's ok. It was nice meeting you."

"Yeah! Nice meeting you too."

Seokjin left out the front doors of the school and didn't turn back around. He showed no sign that he doubted me or didn't trust me. In a way it was refreshing but it also drowned me in guilt.


Classes were pretty much over for the day so I decided it would be best to just not go back. I had all my stuff so it would be more of a time waster to go to class anyways. The only places that would be free right now are the music room and the library. I decided on the latter so that I can renew my copy of Pride and Prejudice; my absolute favourite book in the world!

Mrs. Kim, the librarian, new me very well. I came to the library frequently when I'm studying or need to clear my mind. Despite those facts I never came during class time so she gave me a look of confusion when I showed up thirty minutes before the dismissal bell rang.

"I'm not skipping, I was called up to the office." I clarified as I place my book down on her desk. She opened her mouth then closed it again, probably to interrogate me about why I didn't go back to class. I'm glad she decided against it because I don't have a good reason.

Mrs. Kim was a beautiful lady. She was young, with hazelnut hair and big round glasses that sat on her nose. Her eyes were big and deep, reminding me of Jungkook's, with little specks of hazel that shone when she recommended books she liked. She was famous around the school due to all the love confessions she received and shut down. I guess you could say we had something in common.

She handed me back Pride and Prejudiced with a sweet smile. "If you like this one I know some others you might enjoy." There they were, those little stars in her eyes. "How are you? You seem a little out of it."

"I'm ok, thank you Mrs. Kim."

I don't know how she's married at such a young age. Maybe she just looks young but she's actually old. I don't know and I don't really care either. What I cared about right now is that when I turned around Jeon Jungkook, my — I mean the — Jeon Jungkook was sleeping on one of the sofa's with a copy of Charlotte's Web on his well built chest. My heart started hammering in my own as I neared him. His breathing was steady and slow, it helped calm my nerves. I slowly walked up beside him and tapped his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open and I realized just how much I missed the glow they used to have. He seemed to process me for a minute before he jumped and backed away from my figure.

"J-Jimini- Jimin Hyung! What are you doing here?" He, not so surely, sat down on the couch again and avoided my eyes.

"I came to renew my book." I replied simply. "Why were you sleeping? Have you not been getting enough sleep?" I thought I saw his cheeks blush slightly but it was too faint to be sure.

"Oh ugh, I'm ok. Just a lot of football practices and homework I guess. I'm fine though, don't worry. Not saying you were worrying or anything! You really don't need to worry if you were thinking about worrying. I know your a bit of a worrier. It's not that it's a bad thing! Sorry Jimin Hyung I-" I cut him off before he got too ahead of himself and exploded.

"Charlotte's Web? It's a great book! I love it personally."

"My mom used to read it to me when I was little." Oh.

"Well, she had great taste in literature."

"Yeah, she loved stories." His shoulders slumped as he looked at his feet, something in his stare made it look like he was thinking about something. We sat in silence for a moment before he spoke again. "I need to go, practice starts right after school. Bye bye Jimin Hyung."

"Bye-" he rushed out before I could finish.

After a few minutes I followed Jungkook's lead and left the library with a friendly wave to Mrs. Kim. I knew Tae would be looking for me to spill about why I was called to the office. I had about ten more minutes until then, though, so I aimlessly walked the halls. Suddenly, as I was turning the corner, I ran into a boy with dark brown eyes, hazelnut hair and soft facial features.

"Ahh! I'm so sorry!" He bowed ninety degrees, catching me off guard.

"I-it's ok!" For some reason I was getting slight déjà vu. The boy looked back up again and smiled.

"My names Beomgyu! What's yours?"

"Jimin." I replied.

"Sorry for running into you. I'm new here and I was taking a tour around the school."

"Oh you're new? Welcome to the school!" I smiled. Then the bell rang.

"Wow you're so sweet Jimin Hyung!" He returned the gesture. "I hope we see each other around."

"Me too." With that we went out separate ways.

Now time for tea.

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Also, let's talk about how Jin went to the military😭😭 I can't believe it's actually happened. It feels unreal.

Have a great day, night, or morning wherever you are!


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