noise and games

253 15 6

Jimin's POV


That was all I could make out when I woke up. Just mindless noise that surrounded me in a death grip. It was so loud and quiet at the same time, almost suffocating.

Are they talking about me? That was my first thought. Where am I?, followed soon after.

I opened my eyes before quickly shutting them again due to the blinding lights shining in my face. I sat up hesitantly and tried to repeat my previous action.

When I finally took in my surroundings I noticed I was in the school infirmary, one of the pros of going to a well funded school. Around me were full coloured curtains that were drawn so nobody could see inside. I could hear chatter from behind the fabric but I couldn't make out the conversation.

Suddenly the shield was pulled open and Beomgyu stood in front of me.

"Jimin hyung! You're awake! I was starting to get really worried." He sighed in relief. "He's awake Mrs. Lee."

Suddenly the school nurse appears beside him with a smile plastered on her face. "I told you not to worry Mr. Choi. How was your rest Mr. Park?"

"Ummm it was good? What happened? The last thing I remember is running to the bathroom to throw up." I starred at them in confusion.

"You collapsed hyung! I thought you were going to die for sure!! I picked you up and ran you to the nurse immediately, so if you want feel free to call me amazing or someth-"

"That will be enough Mr. Choi. You seemed to have a lack of nutrition, I assume you've eaten very little, as well as too much heat and over exertion caused you to faint. I am aware of your medical records so I understand this may be a bit weakening. Have you had your medication?" Her voice was stern but had a soft undertone. I shook my head in response. "I assumed. Please take it easy for the rest of the day, we don't want another incident like this.

"Also, I dismissed you from your classes for the day so no need to worry about that, would you like me to have someone fetch your things from your locker?"

"No thank you. I can give Beomgyu the code." I smiled, she returned the favour and left back to her desk.

My friend came over and sat at my bedside. "Are you ok hyung? You really shocked me when you fainted."

"I'm ok, I haven't fainted in a while so I'm just in a bit of shock. Sorry for scaring you."

"Don't worry about it. I was going to message your mom or something to tell her what happened but your phone died, would you like me to message anyone on mine?"

"Please don't message my mom, I love her but I don't have the mental patience for her right now if she found out. Please message Tae, ask him to get my stuff from my locker and drop it off at my house." I commanded. "His phone number is xxx-xxx-xxxx."

My counterpart saluted and proceeded to type the message out and send it.

Taehyung's POV

Where's Jimin? We usually meet up at the front of the school after the bell rings but he's totally ditched me! He's lucky he's my best friend I swear.

I kept messaging him to see where he was but I got no response in return. Suddenly a ding was heard from my device and I checked it to see if he finally got back to me.

Hi! It's Beomgyu. Jimin hyung asked me to message you to tell you to grab his stuff from his locker and take it to his house.

Why can't Jimin do it himself?

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