Woke Up This Morning...

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Y/N awoke the next day to the feeling of something on his chest, he looked down to see Bella the cat curled up on his chest, fast asleep. He checked the time and saw it was 6:30 AM. Y/N gently moved Bella off of his chest and sat up, stretching before he stood up and changed into his training clothes, setting out on his morning run. After ten laps he climbed up onto the outer walls of the castle and began doing sit ups while dangling from the wall, holding on with his feet, he did so until his muscles began to ache, from that point he started counting, reaching 300 before jumping from the castle walls, landing and beginning his run back to his quarters.

As he returned to his quarters and saw Daphne stroking Bella while sitting in a chair.

"You look like a bond villain." Y/N said as Daphne smirked.

"Mr Wolf, I've been expecting you." Daphne said in a stereotypical villain voice. Y/N approached her and went to kiss her when she stopped him.

"Don't, you're all smelly and sweaty, go and get cleaned up first." Daphne said as Y/N smirked before going into the bathroom, he went into the shower and turned it on, letting the water run over him as he put some soap onto a sponge before beginning to wash himself all over. He stepped out of the shower and dried off before getting dressed, stepping out of the bathroom as he finished his tie. "Now you look and smell good enough to kiss me."

Y/N leaned in and kissed her on the cheek before Bella climbed up onto Daphne's shoulder.

"Oh, someone's jealous." Daphne said as Y/N chuckled. "Go on Bella, go to daddy."

Y/N arched his brow.

"If you make a joke about me calling you daddy, I'm going to murder you." Daphne said as Y/N chuckled.

"So, your missing clothes, did you find them?"

"No. I remember packing them, and you know what I'm like packing things." Daphne said as Y/N nodded.

"Please do not remind me of the camping trip." Y/N said as Daphne chuckled.

"I could remind you of something else." Daphne said with a raised eyebrow, Y/N shivered in fear.

"Actually, the camping trip sounds fine." Y/N said as he lit a cigarette. "I should get going, I was wondering...you wanna head somewhere tonight, just the two of us?"

Where and When?"

"Well, I was thinking about maybe Hagrid's Garden, maybe the courtyard at night." Y/N said as Daphne thought.

"I'll have to think about it, I think I'm stuck in another class later on, but I'll see if I can make it." Daphne said as Y/N nodded. "Y/N...be careful, yeah?"

"Sure." Y/N said as he set out on morning patrol...

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