Quidditch Investigation...

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Y/N was with Daphne at the Quidditch match, it was a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. They were watching as the match went on, with Y/N having his arm around Daphne who smirked.

"Careful, I still want the Ice Princess title." Daphne said as Y/N chuckled.

"Yeah, and I've got a reputation for being big and bad to uphold."

"What are you talking about, you're like a little Jack Russel, you growl at me and the instant you get your belly rubbed you roll over." Daphne said as Y/N rolled his eyes.

"One time."

"One? We must be at at least 20 times by now." Daphne said as she saw Harry's broom trying to shake him off, she pointed it out to Y/N. "What's going on there?"

Y/N looked around and saw Hermione looking through her binoculars, he followed her gaze and saw Snape muttering something and Quirrell muttering something, neither one breaking eye contact.

"Stay here." Y/N said as he stood up.

"No chance." Daphne said as she followed him, he snuck through the stands and up to the teachers stand, finding his way behind the benches, he pulled on professor Quirrells cloak, yanking him backwards and banging his head on the bench before lighting his cloak on fire with his lighter, Hermione arrived and lit Snapes cloak on fire before seeing Y/N stood there using the flames on Quirrells cloak to light a cigarette.

"Go, before they investigate." Y/N said as they all fled.

They returned to their seats with Y/N and Daphne sitting down as they watched Harry catch the snitch...with his mouth.

When the match was over Y/N was investigating the scene where he lit Quirrell's cloak on fire, hoping to throw the teachers off the scent as he was starting to get the feeling that the troll and the events at the match today were linked and premeditated, and he was drawing up suspects...

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