McGonagall Manor

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Y/N, Minerva, and Evans arrived at a country manor, they were in a large room with wooden floors and painted walls, around them were display cases, it was like a private museum, there were sets of ancient armour, a case with a cup in it, another had a sarcophagus on display. On the shelf was a toy doll that looked out of place among these ancient artefacts. Then Y/N remembered what Evans' other job was, a curse breaker for Gringotts. The walls were strewn with recovered paintings, an entire cabinet was dedicated to medals given to both Evans and McGonagall. 

Alone on a table there was a photo of the two when they were considerably younger, they were with a young ginger girl and a young girl with dark brown hair.

"Come along Y/N, I'll show you to your room." McGonagall said as she guided Y/N to a room with scarlet red and gold curtains on a four poster bed, it was like a Gryffindor dorm but applied to a large bedroom.

"Wow." Y/N said as McGonagall smiled. "Professor, how will I get my Hogsmeade slip signed?"

"Here, considering we're looking after you for now, I would say that I can sign it." McGonagall said as Y/N smiled.

"Thank you Professor."

"If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask us." Minerva said as Y/N paused.

"Professor...what about the full moon tomorrow?" Y/N asked as McGonagall showed him the outside view of the window. There was a forest on one side of the manor.

"You can go there if you cannot resist the call of the Hunt. Now, there is a curfew for you while you're here, it's the same as Hogwarts." McGonagall said as Y/N chuckled before nodding.

"Very well Professor." Y/N said as McGonagall smiled at him.

"Minerva. While you're here, call me Minerva."

"Wait, your first name isn't Professor?" Y/N said sarcastically as McGonagall smiled and shook her head as she rolled her eyes before leaving. Y/N looked around the room and inspected the bookshelf in the corner.

He stepped out of his room and started to look around the manor, there were historical armour sets littered throughout the manor. He found a training room and inspected the training dummies, they hadn't been used in a while, but he decided to give them a try, he cast the spell on them and stood at the centre of a circle of dummies.

He cast the first depulso at the nearest dummy before turning and using his forearm to take the wand of the dummy behind him off line before disarming it manually, he rolled out of the way of a stunning spell and cast stupify at the offending dummy, he used the previous dummy's wand to duel wield before the wand was summoned from his hand and into the hands of its original owner. Y/N saw a spell coming towards him and he used protego followed immediately by stupify.

 Y/N saw a spell coming towards him and he used protego followed immediately by stupify

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Y/N was quick to use expelliarmus to disarm the final dummy just as the rest recovered.

He continued to train like this for over an hour until McGonagall found him and stopped the exercise to tell him that food was ready.

"Thank you Professor." Y/N said as McGonagall smiled.

The next day, Y/N was in the library, a it took up an entire wing of the manor on the bottom floor, he was reading through as many books as he could, learning everything he could in the time he had.

Evans walked in and smirked.

"Bet your friend Granger would be jealous of you right now." Evans said as Y/N chuckled.

"She'd be here 24 hours of the day, you'd need wild horses to drag her away, her and Daphne." Y/N said as Evans smirked.

"You two seem close. You and Daphne."

"We've known each other pretty much all our lives, she's my oldest and closest friend. The truth is sir, there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep her safe, all of my friends, but her especially." Y/N said as Evans walked over to Y/N and sat next to him.

"That's what makes you a good sheriff for've got stakes in it besides yourself." Evans said. "Anyway, I won't bother you any longer."

Evans left while Y/N went back to reading.

It was the final day of Y/N's stay with the professors, he was to be staying at the leaky cauldron for the final days of the holiday, so Y/N was just lazing about, with all of his belongings being with Daphne and likely already taken to the inn, he was left with no packing to do, he was just taking one last look around, appreciating the collection of artefacts.

That night, McGonagall and Evans apparated him to the Leaky Cauldron, leaving with a smile as Y/N went up to his room to get some sleep...

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