Leaky Cauldron...

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Y/N was in the leaky cauldron, sleeping comfortably, his head resting on the pillow. He was awoken however when he heard the door open, in walked Bella the cat, climbing up onto the bed with him.

"Bella! Hello girl, did you enjoy your holidays?" Y/N asked as he picked the cat up and petted it, the door opened further to reveal Draco. "Draco!"

Bella jumped from Y/N's arms and onto the bed as Y/N ran up to and embraced his brother who returned the gesture.

"It's good to see you Y/N." Draco said as he embraced his brother.

"You too, what are you doing here?" Y/N asked as a voice spoke up from the corridor.

"We're dropping Bella off here and then we're buying his Hogwarts supplies." Lucius' voice said as Y/N looked at him.

"Father." Y/N said.

"S...son." Lucius said as Y/N looked at him.

"How's mother?" Y/N asked as Lucius looked at him.

"She's well." Lucius said as Y/N was calm. "Draco, why don't you go and get your money, maybe have a look in the shops, there's something Y/N and I need to discuss."

Draco looked to Y/N who nodded while lighting a cigarette. Once Draco was gone, Y/N spoke.

"What did you want to talk about?" Y/N asked as he sat down.

"Your mother and I have discussed this at great length. While she is reluctant, she's willing to try this. I'm sending you to Durmstrang-"

"No." Y/N said bluntly as Lucius gestured for him to wait.

"Let me finish, what was it you once said to me, manners are next to cleanliness and godliness."

"Talk." Y/N said coldly as Lucius nodded.

"I'm sending you to Durmstrang on a trial event at Christmas."


"Please Y/N, just try it. If you don't want to go after the trial then I'll accept your answer, I promise...I swear on my magic I'll let you attend Hogwarts if you don't want to go after the trial." Lucius said as Y/N was taken aback.

"But, the Hogsmeade trip at Christmas...I have other plans." Y/N said as Lucius looked at him.

"Like what?"

"Like- I'm going to ask a girl out on a date." Y/N said as Lucius paused for a moment.

"Who?" Lucius asked as Y/N shook his head.


"You know the rules Y/N, if you find yourself a suitor or if you find yourself attracted to a girl, you tell me and your mother and we'll arrange for you to be introduced formally-"

"You know I can't stand that stuff, how am I to truly know if I love someone when they're putting on an act to try and win favour-"

"That describes love most of the time." Lucius said with a grin as Y/N shook his head.

"I'm serious." Y/N said with a chuckle at Lucius' joke.

"So am I. I was lucky with your mother...she wasn't putting on an act-"

"I don't need to know what kind of acts you both got up to thanks." Y/N said as Lucius smiled slightly.

"Y/N...about last year, I am truly sor-"

"Don't...don't you dare." Y/N said coldly. "What you did I don't think I can ever forgive you for that? Not to mention it was bloody stupid."

"I understand you're annoyed-"

"Your little scheme could have killed Draco, could have killed Daphne, Astoria. Could have killed me." Y/N said callously. "The Basilisk, do you honestly think it would have singled out Muggle borns? A clue: No. That thing would have killed anyone it came across were it not killed. You should count yourself lucky that it didn't kill anyone, especially my friends or family. Because let me warn you father, should you put the lives of any of my friends or family at risk ever again...I'll kill you."

"You can't mean that-"

"If it means protecting Draco and the rest of the people I hold close...I'd kill the Dark Lord himself." Y/N said as he looked his father in the eyes.

"No need to exaggerate."

"I'm not, I'll kill whoever I need to in order to protect my friends and loved ones, and any other innocents." Y/N said as Lucius spoke up.

"Back to the Durmstrang..."

"Not going, I refuse-"

"I've already signed you up." Lucius said as Y/N looked at him with anger, taking a moment to take a deep breath.

"Get out." Y/N said coldly as Lucius nodded and left, his head hanging low in shame. Lucius closed the door and heard what sounded like a trunk being kicked in anger.

Y/N kicked the trunk in anger before leaning against the wall and sliding down it until he was sitting on the floor, he covered his eyes with his left hand before he pinched the bridge of his nose, Bella jumped down from her spot on the bed and approached him.

"Hello Bella. You've always got me haven't you?" Y/N said as the cat meowed before nuzzling into his hand.

Y/N was sat for an hour thinking of what he was going to do. He looked to Bella who was curled up next to him.

"Bella? Do you want a drink?" Y/N asked as the cat Meowed, he went downstairs and got a butterbeer and a saucer of milk for Bella. "Don't make a mess now."

As he sat there drinking, Y/N heard the door open and a familiar scent wafted in. He turned to see Daphne who saw his saddened face, he tried look like he was fine, but she saw right through him, she sat next to him and smiled.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Daphne asked as Y/N looked at her.

"Father's sending me to Durmstrang over the Christmas holidays. Bastard." Y/N said as he drank his butterbeer.

Daphne hugged him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Then lets make the most of the time we have before then." Daphne said as she leaned over to him and kissed him on the cheek. She broke the hug when the door opened and Harry walked in from the Diagon Alley entrance.

"Harry!" Daphne said with a smile giving him a friendly smile.

"All right Daphne. All right Y/N. When did you get here?"

"I got here last night, Daph's just got here." Y/N said as he and Harry embraced in a brotherly hug. "How are the Dursley's?"

"Well lets just say they've had their inflated egos put in check." Harry said as Y/N chuckled. "Thank you, for what you did over the holiday."

"What did you do?" Daphne asked sternly as Y/N gulped.

"I went to the Dursley's and broke his uncles jaw." Y/N said as Daphne nodded.

"Oh, okay." She said as she looked at Y/N. "For a moment I thought you had done something stupid like gotten Harry involved in a prank."

"Daphne Greengrass...I'm offended, of course I did that, we pulled that prank on Dudley. hehe." Y/N chuckled as Daphne cuffed him around the head.

"Oh for - well...I suppose that git deserves it." Daphne said as she smiled at the two boys. 

Later that day they were all sat with Ron and Hermione talking about their holidays, with Hermione's new cat Crookshanks taking a disliking to Scabbers, with Bella seeing it as a fun game, joining in on chasing the rat, when Ron put the rat in his jacket, Bella jumped up on top of his head and sat down, purring as she looked down at the rat hiding in Ron's jacket pocket....

As Green As Grass [Daphne Greengrass x Male Werewolf Reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें