I laid back on the sofa looking at the ceiling fan thinking about samiyah I missed her like hell he was scared that

He'd go around her and take his anger out on her and she'd leave forever he didn't want that he thought it would be better if he kept

His distance from her right now he hasn't been to school or around anyone other than his brothers there was a knock at the door

causin them to look at eachother raising their eyebrow "who dat?" Gunns asked I shrug my shoulders

"I'm finna see" I said hopping up grabbing my gun I walked over to the door looking through the peep hole

Seeing lani smilng waving I kissed my teeth opening the door walking back to the couch "damn hey to you to" she

Said coming into the house I flicked her off grabbing a pillow as I sat on the sofa she came into the living room with moonie and

Samiyah behind her causing my heart to ache as I seen a smiling samiyah fuckkkkk I groaned to myself aggravated again

" hey y'all" moonie said going to money sitting on his lap I stayed quiet looking at the game "damn you can't speak?" Lani

Asked poking my shoulder "gone on" I said waving her off "somebody on they period" moonie said causing

Them to laugh i chuckled a little bit then quickly mugged again I heard samiyah laugh from the side of me I turned facing her

She looked at me with a smile on her face waving I gave her a head nod her smile quickly turned to a confused look

she got up going to sit in the chairs in the kitchen fuckkkk I sat

up rubbing my hands down my face annoyed wit my attitude my damn self

"I'm finna go to bed imma fuck witchall later" I said dappin money and gunns up goin to my room

I closed the door behind me laying in bed looking at the ceiling the thoughts came rushing down on me faster than I could handle

a tear ran down savieons cheek then another soon he was silently crying in his room feeling weak again

He hated feeling this way because it was nothing he could do that would make him feel better he cried then got angry and cried

Again it was a miserable repeating cycle for him yearly he was genuinely tired of it he was ready to just flash out he

Felt a sharp pain to his side where he'd been shot at causing him to loudly yell he quickly covered his mouth

Wiping his face off incase someone came in he stood up slowly feeling a stinging sensation he stood in his room

Mirror pulling the covering off seeing he wrapped it wrongly he laughed at himself he was too stressed to even pay

Attention to what he was doing there was a knock on his room door

causing him to go towards it he swung it open with a mug plastered

His face softened when he saw smooch standing there in the doorway she had a frown on her face he stood to the side allowing her in

He closed the door behind her she sat down in his chair looking at him as he stood by the wall lost for words

He knew how he felt towards her but couldn't put his feelings forth "so you just gone stand there ?" She asked

"Whatchu mean?" " You went ghost on me say, why?" She asked with a frown on her face he rubbed his hands down his face

euphoria Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora