01. [ sample ]

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"Fuck you," I spat at my captors.

The insect-like aliens were attempting to drag an unconscious female alien out of our cage.

"Leave her alone. She can't even stand up." I squared my shoulders and faced the two insectmen, despite my hunger and fatigue. The shorter one sparked his cattle prod thing, emitting an irritating buzz. I flinched, remembering the pain from the shock when I was first thrown into this prison two weeks ago.

"She's a feisty one," the trigger-happy insectman commented to the tall one.

He grinned, or what appeared to be a grin, with his mandibles. "She'll fetch a decent price at the auction."

Ignoring me, they moved to grab the other female alien again. I stepped between the pair, stopping them.

The tall insectman snarled. "Step aside, female."

"No. Leave her alone. We need something to eat and drink," I demanded. I clenched my hands together to keep them from shaking. They failed to bring food or water for days– something needed to be done. Since none of the other females would say anything, or even talk to me, I had to at least try. Without warning, the trigger-happy insectman backhanded me, throwing me hard against the wall. My head banged on the rough concrete, and I fell to the ground, my cheek throbbing. My whole body ached.

Gingerly, I touched the back of my head. Ouch. I pulled a bloody hand back. Quite suddenly, I became hyper aware of the chill on my back from the cold concrete and the damp, gross odor of the cell was overwhelming.

The insectman loomed over me. "You don't make demands, female," he snarled. He smelled like a rotting corpse.

He proceeded to kick me in the gut, his sharp claws digging into the soft flesh of my stomach. Oof. All the air whooshed out of my lungs. His grimy foot drove into my gut again. And a third time for good measure.

"Enough," the tall one cut in, impatience souring his tone.

Despite my pain, I stared at the bastard who hurt me with fire ablaze in my eyes.

His beady black, venomous eyes reciprocated my stare. "You have no power– remember that. We'll be back for you."

The two of them left, leaving the other female alien behind.

I groaned, checking my injuries. How is this my life right now? One day I was on Earth with my boyfriend, Samuel, at his family cottage, the next, I was abducted by these insectmen and thrown into a cell. I would do anything to be back at the lake, staring at the sunset instead of metal bars.

Ignoring my pain, I pulled myself over to the female. "Are you alright?"

She let out a pained moan.

"Her species needs sunlight to survive," another female alien said in a raspy drawl from the cage across the hall from us. She had blue skin with tentacles growing from her head, like Medusa. I was shocked. It was the first time any other female had spoken to me. From snippets of conversation I'd gathered they didn't recognize my species, so they were wary of me.

"There's nothing you can do for her." Medusa sighed.

She spoke to me again! I pulled myself up to sit against the wall.

"Do you know what he meant about an auction?" I asked. Hope bubbled up in my chest; maybe she would give me some answers.

She eyed me and scoffed. "You know what he meant."

"No, I don't." I shook my head but stopped when the small movement sent shooting pain from the back of my skull to the base of my neck. "Before I was abducted, I didn't know there was life beyond my planet. All I know is that I'm really far from home."

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