Anthony Black (The home birth)

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Context: Anthony was watching a movie in his room when he comes back with contractions. He calls for his parents and told them that the baby was coming. His mother prepares the supplies in his room.

It took place at his home in Las Colinas, Texas as his parents were preparing to help Anthony give birth to a baby. He was groaning as he holds on to the pillow while his father was timing his contractions. "It's okay Anthony, just keep breathing," His mother gets the pillow for Anthony to hold on as he is going to do on all fours during birth. "Okay Anthony, I'm going to break your water, so that you can start pushing ok?" He nodded, staying calm as possible. His mother breaks his water and sees that he should start pushing in any minute now. Couple of minutes later, Anthony Black starts pushing.


It started with him screaming as his mother helps him push the baby out. "You're doing great baby, keep pushing," His mother instructed. "OOOWWWWW! Mom! It hurts!" He groans in pain. "Good boy! You're being so tough," His father praised him. He breathes through contractions. Anthony was holding on to the pillows to squeeze them whenever he felt any pressure on his lower body just to give birth to a baby. In fact, he had to push through the pressure until he would stop because he couldn't handle it. "Mom it hurts so bad!" He cries in discomfort. Next, his father massages Anthony's baby bump to ease the pressure as it takes 15 minutes for him to push the baby out.

"Just push slowly," she instructed. He did as he could trying not to use too much force or else he would tire himself out. He was struggling so much for the baby and he told his dad. "Dad, I'm tired I want to give up," He gritted his teeth. "You're doing so well Anthony, don't give up now," He took a deep breath and pushed through the pain. "Just like that," He was letting out a scream. "It's okay Anthony, it's okay, I know it hurts," She continued. "Push through the pressure," Despite of him being on all fours, he had to take breaks between the contractions. "His head is almost out, push some more," "AAARRRRGGGHHHHH!" He clenched his teeth pushing as hard as he could. "Again Anthony, again," He squeezed on the pillows feeling the baby's head crown.

"I can see his head," His mother saw the bloody head that was out. "He has so much hair like yours," He looks down and placed his hand on the baby's head. Well of course it was his baby that he carried in his belly for the past 9 months and he knows that he will be a mother in no time. While he continues, he knew that he had to stop for a while as his mother checks to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck. "Anthony, I want you to stop for a while because I need to check to see if the umbilical cord is wrapped around the baby's neck," She checks around to make sure there were no signs of trouble with the baby since Anthony would be panicking if the umbilical cord was tied around the baby's neck, but thankfully it wasn't wrapped. "Okay, it's clear now," Afterwards, the baby's head was already out and the last thing he would do was to push for the shoulders while his mother pulls the baby out slowly. When he pushed the shoulders out, she ends up pulling the baby gently and Anthony lets out an ear piercing scream. "He's coming out now Anthony, hang tight!" He screamed until he heard the sound of the baby crying.

"It's a boy!" She held the baby, cleaned him up before she returns the newborn back to its mother. "Hi baby, I'm your mommy," Anthony Black smiled crying tears of joy. "What's the name of our grandchild?" His father asked. "Actually, I'll name it Adrian," "That's a wonderful name," She said.

Adrian Black
Born at 9:00pm on August 7th 2022
Gender: Male
Weight: 8 lbs 6 oz
Mother: Anthony Black

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