Father's Day

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It's father's day, and of course. Shota worked. Tomura woke up to an empty bed, like usual since Shota got up at ungodly hours. He wouldn't be back until late at night, and he's not letting Eri stay up that late. So he came up with a plan. Exactly at 12, they would arrive at UA. Eri has a card she wrote for Shota and I brought him a small gift Eri picked out.

Tomura entered the teacher's lounge, Zashi saw him and greeted them with a smile.

"Tomura, hey little Eri!"

Eri smiled widely when she saw him.

"Uncle Zashi! Look!"

She showed him the cover of her gift to Shota. Zashi saw the two stick figures and barely manged to contain his laughter. He could already imagine Shotas reaction. He rubbed Eris head and turned to Tomura.

"Hey! Is Sho still in the honeymoon? He won't stop showing us photos of you two."

His teasing grin made Eri chuckle. She spotted Nemuri and ran to her. Everyone had prepared for this day, Tomura brought the cake and the rest of them would decorate the staff lounge a bit to suprise Shota.
A skinny All Might entered.

"He's coming."

Yamada turned the lights off as everyone hod in the shadows. Snipe helped light the candles sitting above the cake. Nemuri held Eri as the footsteps outside started sounding closer. Tomura found that weird, since Shota was trained to move silently. The door opened before he could voice his concerns. The light turned back on as everyone shouted a:

"Happy fathers day Shota!"

Hound dog released the confetti poppers. Everyone watched how the confetti fell on Shota, giving his emo attire a pop of color. Eri giggled at his expressionless face.

"Dad! Did we surprise you!?"

Shota smiled when he saw her. Honestly, it was hard to miss the small All Might watching his every move and running to the staff room a minute after class ended. But he was a good liar and manged to nod before taking her from Nemuri.

"Yes, it was quite the scare."

Tomura calls that as bullshit but Eri was happy she managed to suprise him so he stayed quiet and played along. Now the cake was a surprise, he didn't  think he would see himself drawn in black icing. Or read the words 'happy fathers day dad!'

"Eri wanted to suprise you, and wrote the words herself."

It was hard for Eri to write, she could barely read well but when Tomura told her about father's day; she gained motivation and studied more. All so she could write on the cake. Shota was suprised to say the least. He realized she was studying more, but to think it was all for this...

"... Really now?"

Eri nodded, the expectations in her eyes couldn't be hidden. He stroked her head with a small smile.

"Thank you."

Her little giggled warmed everyone's heart. Zashi reminded everyone of the cake, Shota only cut it when Eri gave her permission. After everyone had a slice, the gift exchanging began.

"Gift exchanging?"

Tomura nodded at Shotas question.

"Since everyone here is a dad, we did a secret Santa of sorts."

Zashi handed Shota his gift first. A mug, with three cats. A black one with golden eyes next to one with baby blue cat with red eyes. In the middle, was a white one looking up at them. It was cute, he liked it.

"Where did you get this?"

Zashi said the name of an artist before reaching his hands out expectantly. He didn't get anything. Nemuri was next, Shota took a peek inside the box and closed it. He gave it to Tomura after telling him not to open it. Hound dog got a condom from Nemuri. His judging stare stopped her from laughing.
Tomura gave All Might a shirt Dabi had made. It said 'Ass Might.'

"It's... Lovely, thank you young Tomura..."

Tomura snickered at his expression.

"Oh, also."

He took out another shirt and gave it to him.

"This is for Endeavor, a friend made it."

"Oh, um... I'll try to give it to him."

Tomura smiled and went back to Shota. All Might looked at the shirt, and wonder if he should open it. No, that's an invasion of privacy. He put his curiosity aside and saved it inside a plastic bag before joining the others. Zashi gave Tomura a cook book and Shota confiscated the gift Nemuri had before Tomura could open it.

Before classes could begin, Tomura and Eri gave their gifts to Shota. Tomura gave him a black sweater with a cat on it. Eri had her own version of it, and so did Tomura. And as for the little letter Eri had made him all on her own... It contained a drawing of the three of them watching TV.

'My daddy spends many hours in work to bring money back home. It's thanks to him that I can stay with papa all day. Feel safe outside when we go shopping and helped me meet brother Izu and brother Mirio. He always plays with me even when he's tired. I love you daddy, happy fathers day.'

Eri was a little nervous about his reaction. But her worries melted away when Shota hugged her tight.

"Thank you... Eri..."

She giggled and hugged him back.

"Your welcome, daddy."

Shota gave Eri back to Tomura when the bell sounded. He hated going back to work... He was teaching class A again, and would rather be with his daughter and husband.

Oh well, complaining won't get him anywhere. He opened the door and-


He was bombarded with confetti for the second time. All his students smiled at him, minus Bakugo of course. Uraraka was more bold than Izuku and talked for the whole class.

"Happy fathers day Aizawa sensei!"

Mina grinned at him.

"You've been busy these days. Taking care of twenty kids isn't easy. Especially as a single dad."

Shota swept the confetti off his hair.

"I'm married. And I'm not your dad."

Everyone gasped, the shocking news was too much for them.

"What!? You're not our dad!?"


All Might glanced around, sighing in relief when he didn't see anyone. He was outside Endeavors office, seeing the former rival always made him nervous. But young Tomura trusted him with a gift! He shall not fail! He knocked on the door. It simply opened, revealing the wide man behind the desk. He was working away, how the papers didn't burn from his fire beard will forever be a mystery to All Might.


"Well, I've been asked to give you this."

All Might placed the bag on a small coffee table before being thrown outside. Endeavor waited for half and hour before getting up and opening the gift. A white shirt was neatly folded inside with a card. He didn't recognize the handwriting and could barely read it.

'You're not a father and never were one.'

He frowned and opened the shirt. Blue graffiti spelled out: 'I'm a neglecter and power hungry whore. ☆⌒(≧▽​° )'

The shirt lit up in flames.

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