Beach Day

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I have 10 others planned... (ーー;)

Dabi pushed his sunglasses up and pulled his white shirt over his shoulders. The ocean breeze hit his face, salt air tousled his hair. He looked down at Eri beside him.


Eri adjusted her sunglasses and tightened her ponytail. She nodded.


They looked ahead at the ocean. Hearing the waves crashing, seeing it move back only to come back with much more force. Eri has never been to the beach before, Tomura had woken her up bright and early. He helped her wash up before packing her bathing suit.

"Papa, where are we going?"

"Sho has a day off, so I forced him to take us to the beach."

Eri tilted her head.

"Beach? The ocean?"

When Tomura nodded, Eri felt her excitement spark.

"When do we leave!? Is grandpa coming!? What about uncle Dabi!?"

Tomura smiled as he packed her change of clothes.

"Of course, they've been waiting for this day."

"Yay!! Daddy!"

Eri ran to Shota, seeing him pack the cooler full of ice.

"We're going tot he beach!"

Shota nodded and stroked her head.

"Yes, we are. Eat breakfast and get your iPad."

She nodded and ran to her plate of food. Shota grabbed a couple sodas and water bottles from the fridge and placed them inside the cooler. He was trying to keep the noises down since Eri was still startled by them at times.

"Daddy, how long is the beach?"

Shota answered her while grabbing her some juice and cold sweets.

"About, three hours."

Eri frowned.

"That's a lot of time..."

"That's why you need to bring your iPad. Also, there's sand. Be careful which toys you bring."

Eri nodded and finished her last bite before running to Tomura. She tugged on his shirt.

"Papa, what do I bring?"

Tomura kneeled beside her.

"Hmm... Two toys since grandpa Kurogiri got you some beach ones."

Eri didn't like presents before, but she's gotten better at understanding their meaning. Not a sign of worse treatment, but a sign of affection. So naturally, she was excited, but also a little worried.

"But, doesn't that cost money?"

She doesn't want them to spend money on her. Chisaki always complained about all the money she was costing him, she didn't want to bother them. Tomura poked her forehead, cutting her line of thought.

"Yes, it does. Kurogiri wanted you to have fun in the beach and bought it for you."

"... I could've played with something else... Something I already have."

"True, but Kurogiri already bought it. And he would be very sad to see you avoiding his gift. And on the topic of money."

Tomura picked her up.

"Didn't you promise not to worry about grown up things?"

Eri blinked and looked away.
"I'm not scolding you, I just want to know if you remember."Eri nodded. She was going to apologize, but Tomura didn't like that.

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