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Aizawa was a little excited. It was stupid, really. But he really wanted to know what the villain would plan. What are the chances he's walking into a trap? He waould say 50/50. Oh God, he's seriously trusting a villain...

Aizawa ruffled his hair, he even brought an outfit again... He's completely hopeless. He placed his hand inside his pocket, okay good. It's still there.

"You good?"

He glanced at the villain behind him, Shigaraki had a similar shirt to yesterday, a black hoodie that covered his forearm but stopped once it reached his elbows, a black choker, dark pants and red shoes. He looked good. Ahem, Aizawa noticed the lunchbox he had on his hand.


And that's all he said. Hurrying over to finish his patrol while Shigaraki followed but stayed behind for the action. Just like yesterday, they stopped by the park so that Aizawa could change. Now, Shigaraki was the one who asked me out. So when he came out in his T-shirt, he was ready for anything.

"So, where to now?"


Shigaraki pointed to the lunchbox and walked to a bench. Was not ready for that but okay. They sat down beside each other, Shigaraki opened the lunchbox and handed Aizawa a bento box. With a glance, Aizawa opened it. Curry?

"What's this for?"

He took the spoon Shigaraki handed him.

"A thank you... I might have... Made it myself..."

Oh, crack. Thats sweet. But Is it poisoned? Aizawa frowned. Now he knows how Shigaraki felt all those times he bought him food. The villain took a spoonfull of curry rice from my bento and ate it.

"... Sorry..."

The villain shrugged and started eating his own food. Now I feel worse. Without thinking much, Aizawa took a bite. It actually... Tastes pretty good. Another spoonfull. He really wasn't expecting a good meal. Shigaraki didn't seem the type to cook or even remember anything I've said. Aizawa suddenly noticed the bit of blue hair close to his face.

Shigaraki was looking at him.

"And? Is it good?"

Aizawa nodded.

"Pretty good."


Seeing that small, happy smile made Aizawa's heart beat way to fast. He found himself smilling back, why is it? The villain always puts a smile on his face, why?

Ahem, he ate the entire bento with Tomura. Seeing a grain of rice beside the villains lips. Aizawa smirked, taking the grain away with his thumb, licking it afterwards. Tomura's face grew a bright red, he looked away and used the grey hand to cover his face. Aizawa chuckled. Observing the villain was always fun.

"And? Where now?"

Tomura cleared his throat and stood up.

"Movie. What do you like?"

A movie theater? Aizawa shrugged and stood up.

"What movies they got?"

The villain started at him for a second and pulled his phone out. He seemed to be texting someone. Who? Dabi.

'Oi shithead, what movies are out?'

It took a full minute for that bastard to respond.

'Tf how should I know??'

Tomura clenched the phone, took a deep breath and texted Toga.

'What movies out?'

She responded much quicker.

A Week. EraserdustOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz