Still here?!

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Tomura groaned at the rays of sunshine hitting his eyes. He quickly turned away to continue sleeping. Weird, the sun never enters my room... He immediately shot up. Looking around to make sure, yeah. Not his room. He spotted a snow white cat on tge foot of the bed. Yuki! He remembered what Shota said to do yesterday. Moving three fingers to Yuki who immediately ran away.

Huh? Why didn't it work? Tomura pouted, immediately stopping when he heard Shota laugh.

"Cats have different personalities. Mochi is more social while Yuki is scared of strangers."

Shota leaned over, pushing Tomura hair away from his face and kissed his forehead. What? Who? Where? Why? He was then hugged. Okay, what is going on?!

"Good morning."

Shit! He talked! Respond!

"... Morning."

Shota let go, raising a brow at Tomura's stone posture.

"Hmm, you weren't so shy yesterday."

Tomura immediately blushed. Shota laughed and hugged him again. Tomura didn't know what to do. Hug him back? My gloves are on, right? He raised his hands and used two fingers to grab Shota's shirt. He felt the hug suddenly tightened. Then he was freed.
Shota tucked some of my hair behind my ear. His hand resting on my cheek, a smile on his face while he looked at my eyes. Oh jeez, I'm not used to this...

"Come on, I'm making breakfast. You like coffee?"

Tomura shaked his head, suddenly smirking. He hugged Shota's neck, bringing him closer.

"You got booze?"

Shota hummed.

"No. Not for the kid."

Tomura growled.

"I'm twenty-one."

Shota bumped their foreheads before leaving.

"Uh huh. Bathroom is through that door."

Tomura stroked his forehead with a pout. Wait, he sniffed his breath. Oof! Shit! He ran to the bathroom and grabbed the red toothbrush that was beside the black one and brushed away. Wait, why does Shota have another toothbrush?


Well, I don't have any right to ask that. He quickly finished and went to the living room. Slowly moving towards the cats. They all ran away. Ugh! He could hear Shota laughing. He gave a final glance to the cats and sat down on a stool in front of Shota. Watching him fold the egg mixture. Wait, that's!


Tomura always wanted to eat one. But Kuro had a hard time making them. Tomura payed close attention to what Shota was doing. I wanna make one. Shota moved it to a plate and placed the pan back on the stove.

"Wanna try it?"

The villain nodded his head like achicken. Shota moved slightly and beckoned him over. He gave Tomura a spatula, positioned himself behind him and brushed oil into the pan. Adding a small amount of egg mixture. It didn't take long for it took.

"This is how you do it."

Shota gently grabbed Tomura's wrist, the other on his waist as he taught him how to roll the mixture onto its self. Tomura couldn't register the process of making the Tamagoyaki, only on how close Shota was to him.

It was after he was let go that he breathed normally.

"You know what to do?"

"Uh... Yeah."

Kinda. He did exactly what Shota did. It was a little hard to flip it since he didn't want to break it. But it still broke. Tomura growled. Damn it. Shota added more mixture with a smile. All in all, it came out okay. Shota wanted to eat the one I made for some reason. So I sat down while Shota made miso soup and served two bowls of rice.

"You like natto?"

"I've... Never tried it..."

"... How are you Japanese?"

Tomura stabbed his chopstick onto the tamagoyaki.

"Kuro only fries eggs... Getting a piece of toast with it is already a luxury..."

"... Is that so?"

Shota set the bowls down and started eating. Tomura took bites of everything. He really had been missing out. Who thought breakfast couldbe so delicious? Tomura finished before Shota. He pulled his phone out while waiting. Finding twenty missed calls from Kuro, two from Dabi and one from Compressor.

The fuck? There's also texts. He opened Dabi's texts first.

'Hey Tomura'

'Hurry back here'

'Kuros gon crazy'


Tomura blinked and opened Compressors.

'Tomura, come home. Please.'

What is going on? He opened the voice-mail, Dabi left two while Kuro left one. He opened Dabi's one.

"Hey, Shiggy! Funny story, Kuro had five bottles of wine and he's down to one... Please come back. Compressor left to buy more but he hasn't come back. We fear the worst."

He clicked the other one. Instead of Dabi, it was Toga.

"Shiggy!! Kuro is trying to open a portal to Erasers place! Dabi and Spinner are trying to stop him! Come back!"

He didn't glance at Shota and clicked Kuro's voice-mail. It was the longest. Kuro spoke first. Slurping his words.

"Tomura. Where are you...? If I finish this, and you're no here... I'm going to Erasers..."

Dabi's voice was heard next.

"Stop bothering him, Erasers probably balls deep by now."

Shota suddenly choked. Tomura patted his back while he kept coughing. He heard a bottle slam onto a counter. Toga spoke next.


"You're making it worse! You're doing amazing, sweetie!"

"I'm done."

"Ah shit."

"Spinner, stop him!"

"The fuck he gonna do? Throw knives at the mist?"


"Wow, what an insult."

"Just do something!"

"I'll make a shiggy copy! I ain't doing that!"

"Hurry! Where's Compressor!?"

A door was slammed open before everything went silent.

"Phew, the fuck took you so long?"

"Apologies, there was no wine. And I happened to remember I can use my quirk to stop him."

"Oh yeah, man. Y'all are idiots."

"Then why didn't you come up with it?"

"My braincells have to be saved for that good shit."

"Ooh! That good shit?! There's no good shit here! It's all terrible!"

"Wait, is the phone still recording?"


The voice-mail ended.


"Well, they are... Lively."

Tomura nodded.

"I think, I have to go."

Shota nodded.

"Yeah. I'll head to work too."

"Oh wait, I don't have your number."

"Right. Here."

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