A little... Talk

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Back at the league, Kuro was sitting at the bar with a glass of wine. Waiting for Tomura to come back. The rest of the league was hidden. Waiting for Tomura to come home and surprise him. He took a sip. Moving the red liquid in circles while admiring the color. Then the door was kicked open.

"Mama! He kissed me!"

Kuro quickly warped the glass somewhere safe before it was smashed. He blinked away the nickname Tomura called him. Eraserhead, kissed him? Oh hell no. The league, sensing the danger, stayed where they were. Kuro turned to him. But he wasn't able to speak once he saw the joy on Tomura's face.
He raised his hands, showing the black gloves.

"He also gave me these! He said he's my player two now! Were dating! I did it! Mama, I did it!"

He has never seen Tomura this happy before. Kuro swallowed back his questions and smiled.

"That's great, Tomura."

He nodded his head.

"Yeah! Ah! He invited me out tomorrow too! I'm so excited!!"

Tomura ran upstairs. His door closed quietly. Dabi leaned away from the wall first. Seeing Kuro standing still with a smile. Everyone slowly got out from their hiding places, gathering around the bar. Kuro took his glass back, just swirling the liquid.

"To think, he would be so happy..."

Dabi nodded, grabbing the whiskey bottle.

"That's the happiest I've seen him, kinda creepy."

Toga hit his arm.

"It's not! It's cute! He was smiling so widely! Truly looking happy... I wonder if..."

Twice tilted his head at Toga. She shooked her head and smiled at him. Kuro glanced at the TV for a few seconds. Should I confront Eraser? And say what? Stay away from Tomura? Hurt him and I'll kill you? Stop giving him hope? How... Hypocritical. I was the one that supported and helped him.

Yes, I didn't think Eraser would ever agree and I hoped Tomura would grow out of that crush. Realize why it can't happen. Eraser, is he just playing with him? The glass of wine shattered. Everyone looked at Kuro. If he is, I'll make him pay. He stood up, opening a portal.

"I'll be back."

He left before anyone could respond. Dabi blinked and started drinking from the bottle. Toga and him glanced at each other. Then they closed their eyes, praying for Eraserheads safe return.
Meanwhile, Shota was at home. Trying to concentrate on his work. But his mind kept going back to that kiss. To Tomura.

He's not even seeing the words on his computer screen. He rubbed his knitted eyebrows. I should take a break. He grabbed his empty cup of coffee while closing his laptop. Placing it on the sink before organizing the paperwork. Then he heard a familiar sound behind him. Shit. His scarf was at the front door. He activated erasure, grabbing a plate and threw it behind him. The purple mist raised his arm, making it fall down onto tge ground. 

"Aizawa Shota. I came here to talk."

"Is that so? About what?"


Huh? The purple mist turned around, walking to the couch where he sat down. He pointed at the seat in front of him and crossed his arms. Is this, the person Tomura calls 'dad?' Regardless, it doesn't seem like he came for a fight. So Shota sat down.

"My name is Kurogiri. I'm Tomura's caretaker. Now, tell me. What do you want with my so- him?"

Was he about to call him son? Yes, this is definitely father in law. Aizawa made his back straight.

"I do not want anything from him."

Kuro narrowed his yellow slits at him.

"Then, you're not deceiving him?"

What? Of course not.

"No. I could never play with his feelings."

He took Kuro's silence as a sign to continue.

"At first, I was just going to show up until the week ended. Fulfilling my end of the bargain, and never see him again."

Shota looked down for second, clenching his hands before looking up.

"But, as the days progressed, I kept finding myself thinking about him. I wanted to learn more about him... See him smile, hear his laugh and become... The person he trust in the most. He's considerate, smart yet a little goofy."

He couldn't stop the smile on his face.

"He acts like a kid, but can be surprisingly mature. He cares about others even if he doesn't show it. And how much he thinks things through. I know, there's a lot I don't know about him. But I do know that he's relaxed around me. And I'm, the same."

Taking a deep breath, he continued.

"Kurogiri-San, please know that I am serious about this relationship. I want to make it work, I want to make Tomura happy."

Kuro closed his eyes, staying still for a while. Shota was a little worried. He didn't know a lot about Tomura's father. What if he finds a way to make sure I never see Tomura again? After what felt like hours, Kuro took a deep breath and spoke.

"Alright. And what about your job? You're a hero, dating a villain. Do you plan on hiding your relationship?"

"... Yes, for now at least."

"Now? What do you mean?"

"I want to wait, and make sure Tomura is truly happy with me. I want it to work out, but. Something tells me someone won't be happy with pur relationship."

Shota noticed the way Kurogiri clenched his forearms at that. The league of villains really is working with All for One. Kuro chuckled.

"You're a dangerous one."

Shota shrugged and continued.

"To protect him, I won't expose him and in turn, our relationship to anyone for now."

Kuro stayed silent for a couple minutes.

"Heh, alright."

He stood up, making Aizawa stand up as well.

"Aizawa, I'll approve your relationship with him."

Aizawa breathed a sigh of relief.

"For now, at least."

Kuro raised an arm and put his purple mist on Aizawas shoulder.

"Just know, if I, or anyone in the league, sees Tomura cry, we. Will. Kill. You. Understood?"

Shat, i already made him cry... Aizawa nodded, not really sure what to say. Thankfully, his reaction was enough. Kuro noddedin satisfaction, opened a portal and left. Shota collapse onto his couch. That was never breaking. Heh, it seems meet the parents went well.
Wait a minute. How did he know my address?

Meanwhile, Tomura was staring at the pictures of a sleeping Shota inside his yellow cocoon. The only picture he had of him. Hehe, he was so excited for tomorrow! Why couldn't it come sooner!?

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