Chapter 4: Is this supposed to be a Date? 1

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The morning assembly started at exactly 9:45, and as I expected, my grandmother was present. She sat beside the President of the school on the stage, chatting away in the midst of the Student Council's Speech. From time to time, I caught her looking at me and giving me a scrutinizing gaze, observing me from a distance. Even when I wasn't looking at her, I could still feel her gaze, and it's quite distracting.

"Courtney, your grandma is looking at you", nudged by one of my classmate sitting beside me, but I ignored her, "Let her be", I said, while listening to the speech.

The assembly went by, and I almost fell asleep half of the time, but tried not to due to the watchful gaze coming from my grandma. At one point, when I was almost fell asleep, I felt an intense glare, which woke me up fully.

After the assembly, I hurriedly walked out of the gymnasium, escaping from my grandma's intense gaze, and it was refreshing. I reached for my phone and called Cindy. It rang for a few seconds before she picked up, "Hello, where are you guys?", I asked

[Hallo, we are at the cherry tree beside U building near the gymnasium], Cindy cheerfully answered

"Okay, got it", I replied and hung up. I walked around for a moment and eventually reached the cherry blossom tree. I spotted Jamie and Cindy under the tree.

"Cindy, Jamie!", I called out, jogging towards them, "So, what's the plan? You two don't have class today right?",

"Yup, it's like we just attended school for the school assembly", Jamie answered, frowning and eating her ice cream at the same time.

"Why don't we hang out for a while before going home, let's go on a food trip", Cindy suggested. I thought for a moment and said, "Okay, I'm in",

Then, a voice called out from behind us, accompanied by a noise of chatting. I looked back and saw Ivan and Idris walking towards us.

"Hi, girls", Ivan greeted, coming to a stop in front of us. Cindy give him an incredulous look, and Jamie raised her right eyebrow while looking at him.

"So, what are you doing here? And you even brought a noisy a companion", Jamie said irritably, pointing at the blonde girl, clinging at his hand.

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