Chapter 1: Ruined Trip

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Life can be unpredictable, they say. But for me, unpredictable weather is the worst of all.

Two days ago, my two friends Jamie and Cindy, and I planned a simple trip to relieve some stress and to unwind for a bit. We decided to take an overnight trip to the beach and be back home the next day before the start of the next school semester.

On the schedule day of our trip, it started to rain, but we didn't think much of it and still proceeded with our plans. It took us exactly 4 hours to reach our destination, and the moment we checked in the hotel, the light rain turned into heavy rain.

Then, the heavy rain escalated into a raging storm. Unbeknownst to us, a typhoon had already struck the country when we are still doing the initial planning of the trip. It seemed like our luck run out, and we were stuck in the hotel all day. It completely ruined the trip we had come for.

"This storm is so strong, can we even go home tomorrow? The day after tomorrow will be the start of the semester", I unconsciously murmur while sipping a coffee on the couch beside the window. I watched as the heavy rain stained the window pane. Even vibration of the windows shows how strong the wind force was outside. It was scary; I felt that the window might give in and break soon from the tremendous force of storm.

"I don't think so. The airport is closed, and even buses are not operating because of this weather", I heard Jamie reply as I looked at her. She had a brown, long hair that reached beyond her shoulders, and her two emerald eyes met mine before she returned her attention to her phone.

"What are you doing?", I asked, walking towards her. She looked away from her phone for a moment to give me glance before resuming scrolling, "Nothing much, just looking up some news updates regarding this freakin' storm",

"So what did you find?", I asked and lay on the bed. I grabbed one of the pillows, hugging it while listening to the thundering sound of the storm and occasional striking sound of thunder from not too far away. It took a minute before Jamie responded, "Not much, really. There isn't a lot of info right now. But the good thing is that this storm is only a typhoon and not a super typhoon. It's expected to take about two days before it calms down and disappears",

"Oh, I see. So, we're pretty much stuck here for two more days. Great!", I sneered and tossed the pillow aside, "By the way, where did Cindy go? She's been gone for almost an hour and half",

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