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Something happen?

I'll be late and run to the
apartment T~T

Oh...I understand but can I

know why you will be late?


We have a project to deliver
tomorrow, and we don't get very far.

'm at Bright's now.

And it's already 8 at night I don't
want you to worry about me I'll
go to the apartment as soon
as I finish the project.


Gulf I understand, don't worry Just let
me know if you happen to be staying
at Bright house.


I promise!
I miss you and Thanya
I love you ♡


I love you too Gulf I hope you
get home.

Gulf look at his phone and Gulf sends him a sticker and then disconnects. Mew looked at the conversation and a smile formed on his face, he wanted to be with Gulf but he understood that the younger has his responsibilities, he cannot be aware of him all the time, he loved the younger's company but without a doubt he wanted him to be able to fulfill each of his goals. He looked at the clock and could see that it was 8 o'clock on Thursday, no doubt he misses it but he would wait for it.

"Daddy where is Gulf?", asked the youngest climbing on her father's legs

"He's at a friend's house doing a project", he caressed his little girl's cheek. "Why love?".

"It's just that he didn't arrive, but it's okay", he smiled. "Do you want to play?".

Mew just nodded and played with his little girl for an hour, they had already had dinner so they were having fun, and around 9:30 at night little Thanya felt tired, so she went to bathe and then was taken away to your room.

"Rest my love", Mew said and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

"You also daddy, good night", she settled down, and Mew waited until she was completely asleep.

He left the room, to go to the living room and distract himself for a while so as not to get bored. Plus, Max gave him Friday and Saturday off, he didn't complain, at least he could spend more time with Gulf and his daughter, after all, they only saw each other at night and it made him a little sad not being able to spend so much time with his two special people. He watch television without finding anything interesting, so he leave a channel where they are showing a short film about some animals, he take his phone to see that he had 2 messages from Gulf. Mew open hiss chat and read each one of the messages.


I have good news. I'm not staying at Bright's!


That's good!.
I am very happy. What time
will you come?


Well we're missing a few things.
But I'll be there around 11, if not
before, you can sleep, I don't want
you to stay up all night.


YOU ARRIVED(MEWGULF)Where stories live. Discover now