"What's up?" I asked.

"I just, uhm, wanted to thank you, I guess. I've noticed that Sam has been happier than she's been in ages in these months, and I'm pretty sure it's thanks to you. I guess you know she's been through a lot. But she seems genuinely happy now, so thank you for giving her that" she smiled, visibly trying to hide her commotion.

"Oh. That's nothing to thank me for. I'm glad she looks happier" I smiled, my cheeks growing warm.

"Just wanted to let you know" she shrugged, affectionately patting my shoulder right before Sam walked out of the bathroom.

"What are you two muttering about?" she looked at the both of us, confused.

"I was just wondering how she can spend so much time with such an annoying person" Lauren readily said, causing me to laugh.

"Oh, I'm sure" Sam shook her head, wrapping her arms around my waist. "Goodnight sister"

"Goodnight you two" she chuckled, before we all retired to the bedrooms.

"What did she tell you?" Sam asked as she closed the door behind us.

"What she just said" I sat on the bed.

"I'm quite sure she didn't" she walked to me, pushing me so I landed on my back.

"Stop!" I laughed as she climbed on top of me.

"I won't get off until you tell me"

"Well, in that case I'm not gonna tell you"

"You're annoying" she said, leaning down, seemingly to kiss me. But once I moved closer, she lightly bit my cheek.

"Stop doing that" I complained, moving away. "She just told me you look happier since we got together"

"Did she really?" her face went from teasing to soft.


"Oh" she smiled. "Well, in that case, she's right" she added, kissing me properly before getting up to change for bed.

"See? You had nothing to worry about"

"You never know" she shrugged.

"Also" I sat up. "I have a question. It's quite random but I was wondering"

"Ask ahead"

"Your sister's hair is really blonde. But yours is like...basically black. Is one of you dying her hair?" I couldn't help but laugh at the silliness of my question, but I really wanted to know.

"Seriously?" she also laughed. "She's naturally blonde, but not that blonde. So yeah, she dyes her hair"

"And you?"

"You think that you wouldn't have discovered it if I'd been dying my hair this whole time?"

"I don't know! You're full of secrets"

"Not with you, love" she chuckled, sitting back next to me.

"Hm, we'll see" I giggled.

"You're right, I could reveal more stuff about myself than you think once we spend time in this city"

As Sam had predicted, I immediately noticed it was still dark outside when I woke up, and she wasn't even in bed with me anymore. I switched my phone on and saw it was almost 6am, then got up to see where she could be.

Which didn't take long, because I found her at the small kitchen table dipping some boring looking cookie into a mug full of what I was pretty sure was tea.

Bitter (wlw) (teacherxstudent)Where stories live. Discover now