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a/n: having you all wait until sunday made me feel too guilty 🥲 enjoyy

Sam's pov

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked Vic, almost regretting I'd given her my number just for her to call me telling me to drive to her house the next morning.

"Yes" she just said, seemingly closing a door behind her. "You want to talk to her, don't you?"

"Of course. But maybe I should wait until she gets back to New Y-"

"I think we both know her well enough to say she'd get scared and just start avoiding you if I told her to talk to you once she's back"

"Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me. Maybe she really just doesn't want to be with me anymore. Like, she's actually broken up with me for go-"

"Stop" she interrupted me again. "She said she misses you a lot. And she obviously still loves you a lot. Her parents' bullshit got to her head, she did what she did because they triggered her anxiety. But trust me, she needs to talk to you. She'll be happy to see you"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, Sam. Not only she needs to talk to you, she needs you"

"I don't know about that"

"Well, I do. You make her happier than I've seen anyone make her. She almost seemed like a new person in these months, all thanks to you. And I'm saying this as her best friend, so it's like admitting I was dethroned"

"Thanks, then" I chuckled, smiling at myself as I was reminded about the same comments being made about me by my sister and friends. Damn, I really did miss Ellie.

"So you'll come?"

"I don't know...I also don't want to just intrude in your house"

"I'm the one inviting you. I obviously don't mind"

"Okay...okay, then. I guess I could come. Are you completely sure this isn't a terrible idea?"

"How many times am I gonna have to repeat that I'm sure?" she laughed.

"Fine, I get it" I also laughed.

"Great. I have to go now because she'll start wondering why I locked myself in the bathroom for so long. But I'll text you my address and stuff later"

"Alright. Thanks Vic, I guess" I said, unsure if that was the appropriate thing to say.

"Thank you, Sam" she said, emphasizing the second word. "See you tomorrow then, bye!"

I ended the call wondering if I'd just done a really stupid thing. Was I really going to drive two hours to Ellie's hometown?

I knew I was going to try and talk to her once she was back in New York, and a part of my mind had kept thinking I was going to be able to help her realize she was perfect to me and I didn't want to be with anyone else but her. But I wasn't expecting to actually go to her, without her even knowing. I did trust Vic though, and if she thought it was a good idea, then I was going to do it.

I barely slept that night, quite predictably, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I was going to tell her and regretting the whole idea. And I'd really never been the kind of person that overthinks a lot, so if I was actually unable to sleep because of it, it was really a big deal to me.

When morning arrived I had drunk a maybe too large amount of coffee in order to wake myself up, since I was going to drive for two hours. And I also wanted my brain to be properly functioning once I arrived.

I called my sister while driving to ease my nervousness, and hearing her tell me I was doing the right thing actually helped a bit. But she couldn't stay for two hours so I tried to blast really loud music to distract myself, which didn't help as much.

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