I thought about what she had said , if she didn't say that .. I wouldn't have been depressed after shows , so upset during rehearsals . I wouldn't have cried every night for two months , and every now and then over time when I thought about Nikki . Things happen for a reason I know that , I just wish she didn't hurt me . As much as I wanted Nikki , she would probably cause me more pain if I tried us again . But if I don't ? My over thinking of us that could've happened would replay through my mind over and over again throughout the tour. So friends sounds okay for now , friends with something a little special .

Calum -

I decided while all of my bandmates were busy , to go out and eat . Alone .
I wasn't bothered by the idea until I showed up at a nearby restaurant alone , while everyone else was surrounded by family and/or loved ones. But I didn't mind too much , I sat at the bar drinking and watching a football ( soccer !) game .

It was all too boring , nothing interesting going on as the teams boringly kicked around the ball . I finished my beer , paid and headed out.

Next stop , a diner where I would enjoy a hamburger and fries. I walked in , the warm air inside felt so home-y . I liked feeling welcome and at home , that's how I felt here. Sitting in a booth scrolling through twitter and following a few fans was a bit boring , so I answered their dms all of them uniquely weird . Some fans just messaged me Ching Chong , I've seen the picture that I replied to a fan before who did that . The other fans obviously wanting the same reaction , so I did so.

"Calum ," someone called nearby , it was my sister . Mali decided to join me in my lonely lunch.

"Mali I missed you." I smiled picking up a few fries and shoving them in my mouth.

"Of course you did now , who's this Diana girl?" She questioned stealing a fry and dipping it in ketchup .

I caught her up , and she caught me up with things in her life as well . It felt good to be home .


Ashton -

I had been at Adam's house for the past two hours waiting for Diana . They were going out to his family's later , so she will be coming back soon to get ready. I was thinking while she gets ready I can apologize for my actions .

*20 minutes later *

"Diana please hurry," I heard Adam call as footsteps ran up the stairs .

"Diana ," I smiled as she walked into her room , obviously taken by surprise she jumped up.

"Holy crap Ashton what the hell are you doing !?" She shrieked.

"Nothing , just have a few words to say ."

"Please don't tell me that you want me and Luke should probably find a new girl blah blah blah?" She made a funny face while saying the last part , her hands making a mouthing movement.
( in the duff Bella Thorne does this face while in class . I love it sm. This is what Diana does . )

"No , " I giggled and she rushed into her closet tossing a dress out and a pair of shoes .

"Okay , go on . I'm listening don't worry." She shouted barely audible as she probably dug for something in her closet .

"I'm so sorry for the way I have acted and I'm sorry for everything else . I'm going to leave you alone from now on . How I acted , it's unforgivable but I do hope you forgive me. Either if it's you forgiving me today or three years , hell even ten. I hope you forgive me Diana .
You and luke are perfect for each other ." And with that I simply walked off. I had nothing else to say . I know she wouldn't forgive me now so I walked away . I don't want to argue , so it was best to walk away.

"Ashton !" Diana called from behind me. I turned around and she was running toward me . She jumped into me , hugging me .

"This apology , it must have taken a lot . And that means a lot . I hope you change your ways Ashton . I forgive you." Diana smiled and patted me on the back.

"I would talk more but I'm in a rush , bye Ashton!" She yelled running down the hall again and back into her room.

I am at peace now .


One more chapter and then an epilogue .!!!!!
Who's crying? I am . It's been too long and it's finally coming to an end !
happy tears people happy tears!

I'd like to thank everyone , the new readers and the old. I have Gained and lost readers , thank you to the people who have stuck with me .
So much appreciation for everyone who reads my writing . It has definitely improved and it's so great to see that in this book .

Question for this chapter :
Will you guys be reading my future stories?
I have a new one coming out pretty soon it's going to be fluffy but a big twist during the middle of it
It's a Michael fic btw , super excited.

Ps. I won't be updating for a while , I have a summer reading assignment . Two books to read. Summer is almost over and I barely started book 1 . Ouch .
But I believe in myself but wish me luck as I try to finish before august 10th

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