She instinctively licks her lips as she watches Rin look over at their match — Wait, what?!

"That throw was pretty cool, Pyrrha!"

He waves at her, causing her to just stop.

H-He seen that? Nooooo!!! How would Step 5: Help Me Out in Mission: Thank Me By Going on a Date proceed if he had seen her abnormal strength! NOOOO!!!

She starts to think of Step 5 as it all went down in flames.

Pyrrha's Imagination...


They were in Leblanc's kitchen, cooking food for their picnic date later, since he owed her by watching over Blake.

The station didn't really have that much space, since it was only meant for one person to fit, so they constantly bumped into each other's backs, or accidentally touched one's shoulders.

And due to the limited space, she accidentally cut her finger while cutting on some vegetables.

"Are you alright?"

He immediately came over to her, towering over her due to their height difference (She was so glad she wasn't wearing heels), to which she just grins with a hint of pain in her expression to hide it.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

Not buying it, Rin aggressively grabs her hand before looking at it, the closeness and aggressiveness of Rin making her blush subconsciously.

"You cut yourself. I don't have any bandages though..."

He thinks for a second before opening his mouth, shivering as she could feel his breath on her wound.

"W-Wait — ?"

She squeals as Rin puts her finger into his mouth, sucking on it sensually as he wrapped his tongue over her finger. After a few seconds, he lets it go as he gets closer to her blushing face.

"Looks like it's alright now..."

He caresses her finger gently, revealing that the wound had already healed (Since Aura heals minor cuts instantly) as he leans towards her, his eyes staring at hers. His face was so close to hers, they could accidentally kiss if he leaned closer!

"... I could do more than that, you know?"

He whispers before leaning closer as he tilts his head, connected their li —



She slumps to the ground with dead eyes as Jaune shockingly glanced at her.


He tried to get to her, but Ruby stopped him.

"Hehehe! You were the one who separated us, and now you want to join back with your team? In your dreams! Hehehehehe!"

She laughed like a super villain, she tried to make it menacing, but it just made it cuter, before swinging her scythe, with Jaune barely dodging by ducking it.

It was over, her plans, all ruined! Step 5 to 8 were all doomed because she used too much strength! All the Steps... Nooooo...

Blake, who stared at her confusedly just shrugs before raising her katana. Since her rival was going to just sit there for some reason, might as well take her out and help her teammate.

"Pyrrha! You got this!"

Hearing Rin's encouragement lit a fire in her heart, as she gripped her shield tight. No... Since she had already revealed her strength, she couldn't just lose in front of Rin!

As Blake swung her sword down, suddenly Pyrrha thrust her shield at Blake, hitting her in the face as she recoils backwards.

Yes, she would win this now! Since her Rin was watching her! She can't lose!

Swinging the shield like a Frisbee, it connected as it hit Blake in the stomach, causing her to choke her saliva. Taking advantage over the stunned opponent, she slid and grabbed her rifle, rolling before firing it at Weiss in her fight against Ren.


Not expecting the sudden intervention, the bullets hit true as Weiss flinches from the gunfire, causing Ren to find an opening in her defense.


Ren slashed a diagonal strike at Weiss, her Aura protecting her, but it significantly reduced her Aura, sending it to reddish-yellow (The Aura levels were as followed: Green > Greenish-Yellow > Yellow > Reddish-Yellow >Red).

Shifting her rifle back to its original form, sword form, she raises her shield as it blocked a vertical swing from Blake.


Pushing the blade back, she swung at Blake.


The sword connected, but Blake suddenly faded into black shadowy particles. That was her Semblance, Shadow. From what she analyzed from the past few weeks (She does this to everyone), she could create clones of herself that could propel her in a 3 directional plane.

Hearing her footsteps behind the makeshift smokescreen from striking the clone, Pyrrha immediately charges, jumping through the smokescreen and watching Blake's eyes widen as she swung her sword with both hands.


Yang Xiao-Long POV


"The winner is Team JNPR!"

Nora cheered as she dashed to hug Ren, who starts suffocating in her chest. Jaune just sighed tiredly as his shoulder slumped.

Pyrrha, however, was looking at the boy that came in mid-class for acknowledgement, to which Rin gave her a grin and a thumbs up.

"You did well!"

Beaming in joy, she smiles back as Yang was looking at both her depressed partner, who was glaring at Pyrrha, and Pyrrha, before looking at Rin.

"Yep, definitely whipped."

She muttered before connecting the dots together.

Oh my Oum, they like the same person. Just... Wow. This was some high-level drama. And you know they say, besties love drama!.

She was so going to wingman this! The question was, who though? Hmm...

But one thing's for sure, this guy has the rizz of a god.


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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