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I am on the verge of leaping off the edge at times

from the mountain I feel I have struggled to climb these last few years.

As I look for a purpose, something meaningful,

something that will make my mother and father proud of me.

Most importantly, proud of myself,

I find myself yearning and trying too hard in countless attempts. 

of finding my highest peak.

My own Mount Everest, if you will. 

I can see the clouds in the distance of raging storms,

and hesitate to continue pushing through.

At the sight of those storms, only then do I realize,

as I trek through the current drizzle of rain from the gloom overhead,

that I am nowhere near my highest peak.

I am at the bottom. 

I notice the enticing lukewarm droplets are comforting,

as if to say, "Here is the first touch of what is to come".  Almost inspiring,

As if these droplets say that I am only beginning my journey.

I am nowhere near my Everest. I am simply at the beginning of my climb. 

I have quite a way to go, but my journey has started, nonetheless. 

I am given a light warning of what is to come.

Although comforted, I remain hesitant as I am no fan of the rain,

Yet I am enlightened of the gentle, Heads Up, that these droplets whisper as they land on my shoulders.

I take my first few steps and begin my journey.

I am nowhere near my peak, but at least I have started.

Only then am I able to realize that the droplets pick up their pace as I do,

reminding me of the progress I make. As I pick up my pace, so do they.

I am nowhere near my peak. At least I have started my journey. 

As the clouds and rain pick up their pace in response to doing so myself,

as if to cheer me on like no other person has, 

I am able to find comfort in my climb. They move with me. I am not alone.

I am simply a part of this storm that accumulates as my determination does in turn. 

I am a part of this world. I am a part of this mountain.

Once I reach its peak, it becomes mine. 

Only then, will I be able to look down at the path I have made for myself,

and guide clouds in the direction of others following my trail,

letting them know, that they are not alone as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2023 ⏰

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