A Helpful Lady

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"Who the hell are you? And what are you doing in my property? And how did you get past the guards? " Queen Amelia grabbed her gun from her pocket and pointed the gun at her.

"Amelia! What are you doing?! Put that gun down right now! I do not think she means no harm!" Julia angrily said in a low voice.

" She's right. I mean no harm to both of you. I am just here to help you with your friend who is suffering right now... "

" How did you know that our friend was suffering from being possessed right now, hmm? Care to explain before I pull the trigger?" Queen Amelia was readying herself to aim at the lady's forehead.

" There's no need to shoot me because I am telling the truth. Your concerned neighbors over there called me to go to your home, " She pointed with her lips, as their neighbors to their right were waving from their windows and gave them a thumbs up. Upon seeing their concerned neighbors, Queen Amelia gave them a huge wave of thanks, while Julia gave them a shy but sweet wave to their neighbors.

"Oh! I do apologize that I brought out that gun! I was just trying to protect this hut from potential thieves and stalkers, " She put back her gun in her pocket, then she immediately turned around and whispered to her friend, " Don't blame me if she actually not a nice person! Because as far as I could see, shooting her was the best option! " 

" Knowing our neighbors for years, I do not think they have ill intentions for us, " Her friend turned around and whispered back.  

" The neighbors ain't our problem: it's her who is the problem! What if she is not a good person but our neighbors trusted her?" 

" Hush, there! Trust me, I will take full responsibility of this if she is not a good person, " 

"You have a deal, my friend, " Queen Amelia nodded. 

" Excuse me. Is there a problem?" The lady asked. 

Then she turned back to the lady and asked, "What's your name?" The Main Queen asked her as she raised her hand for a handshake. 

" I will tell you later, my dear. We still have to exorcise your friend, " She eagerly shook her hand. 

"Ah- Sure thing-" 

" But there is just one problem..." The lady replied. 

"What is it?" Queen Amelia asked. 

" ¡Ay! La puerta principal esta cerrada. " Julia gasped as she rushed to the main door and opened it for her. 

" Terima Ka-- I mean- Salamat! Binibini... " Then, she entered the home and both girls walked hastily inside the room and Queen Amelia looks like she was a chicken being chased by a man with an machete because of how she would walk back and forth out of panic.

" Queen Amelia! We are back! And- We have to do something with Sammy!" The two girls who entered the room saw Sammy moving her limbs: mindlessly and restlessly, as if she was fighting for her life. 

" We have to do something to cure her real quick! " The Main Queen pulled her hair out of stress. 

Without any more delay, the lady who with the golden accessories said to them, " Julia, I want you to stand across the head of Sammy, and Queen Amelia, I want you to stand across Sammy's feet, " 

Immediately, the two girls obeyed her. 

" Bai- I mean- I hope the both of you are not afraid of the darkness!" Then by pretending that her right hand's pointing finger was a candle, she blew it as strong as the winds of the typhoon's winds outside, making Julia fall on the ground and hit her back on the wall, and some of the things in the room roll down and go flying around the room.

" Julia! Are you okay? " Queen Amelia ran to offer her hand to help her friend.

" I'm fine, thank you, Queen Amelia. I feel that there is going to be a small bruise on my head, " She gladly accepted the help and stood up while the wind was blowing like a tornado. 

" I wonder where she went?" Julia asked while squinting her eyes for her to properly look for the lady. 

" I can't see anything at all! The room is too dark!" She just avoided a flying lamp flying towards her stomach by jumping to the right with ease. 

" I do not think we are in a room anymore!" Julia replied as she is struggling to keep up with trying to dodge the Walis Tingting and standing up against the winds. 

" How so?" She just removed herself from the dangers of the flying scissors and stationery materials of Poora by diving down and roll on the ground.

" I just know so!" Her friend shouted. 

" Man, I told you that shooting her was the best option, Julia!" Queen Amelia was trying to dodge the flying big bags, flying floor mats and blankets.

" I am sorry! I thought she was not the type to mean any harm to us!  " Julia trying to dodge the same flying objects around the room, as if they were in a blender but without the sharp blades shredding everything inside of the room. 

After saying this, Julia was not able to avoid being hit by the flying heavy red luggage, as she finds herself too hurt and flying up into the air. 

" Julia! " She shouted helplessly as she didn't know what to do. 

But then--

A humongous wooden table hit Queen Amelia right on her back and sent her to the same direction where her friend flew. 

Then everything went dark. 

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