The Avengers

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Fury asked me and Clint to keep watch of the teseract, and we did. From above. (Well I knew where Clint was but he didn't know where I was)

Nick is questioning what the doctor is doing and asks for us.
"Where's Barton and Aura?" He asks as he looks up.
"In their nests. As usual." The doctor replies as he points up at us.

"Barton, Aura come down ." He says as Clint gets up and starts to go down to where Fury is.
"Hey Clint" I say as I jump down to where he is.
"Where were you?" He asks.
"Watching from above, you know? Above you?" I reply as he scoffs.
"I cant be bothered to look after this cube." He says as he looks at me.
"Me either. But let's get it over and done with." I say as i pat him on the back.

We walk down to Nick who looks very serious.
"I told you two to watch it" he says as we start walking with him.
"We did, from above and i watch better from a distance." Clint replies as i scoff.

I look at Fury who's very serious as i then clear my throat and look away.

"well have you seen anything that might set this thing off?" He asks.
"Doctors it's spiking again!" Someone shouts.
"No one's come or gone. That's all that's clean. No contacts no eye in. If there's any tampering sir it's not in this end" Barton replies as we stand in front of the cube.
"At this end." Nick says as we both look at him.
"Yeah the cube is the doorway to the other end of space, right? The doors open from both sides" i say as they both look at me.

The cube starts acting strange. Everything is moving a lot. We move to the side as it continues acting up. A big light shoots out from the cube and forms a portal kind of thing at the end of the room. It suddenly bursts and flings right at us doing nothing, we all look at it confused.

Something is in here. Guards go towards it not knowing that it's a person who slowly gets up. He looks strange. He looks up at us whilst smiling really creepily.

"Sir! Please put down the spear!!" Nick shouts.
Loki looks at the spear as he lifts it up and shoots something at us, me and Clint push Nick out of the way. Guards start shooting at Loki as he goes around attacking them. Me and Clint are on the ground after having to dodge Lokis spear.

As soon as Loki gets everyone , he gets Clint who's trying to get up and grabs him.
"You have a heart." Loki says as he gently taps his spear on Clint's chest, making him basically get possessed. Loki smiles as he turns to me as I slowly get up whilst he walks up to me.
"Don't come near me-" i try say whilst trying to fling him away with my powers, he grabs my hand before I can even try and puts his spear on my chest. Possessing me.
"I like you." Loki says as he holds my head in his hands before quickly rushing to possess a random guard. Whilst he's doing that Nick puts the cube in the case and tries leaving.

"Please don't. I still need that" Loki says as Nick stops. Loki comes back next to me and injects me with that stuff that makes my powers weaker than they usually would be. He makes sure I still have them only for small purposes.

"This doesn't have to get any messier" nick says whilst slightly looking at Loki.
"Yes it does. I've come too far for anything else. I am Loki, of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose." Loki says as the doctor looks at him.
"Loki, brother of Thor." The doctor says as he gets up.
"We have no quarrel with your people" Nick says as he puts up his hand.
"An ant has no quarrel with a boot." Loki replies.
"You planning to step on us?" Nick asks.
"I come with glad timings, of a world made free." Loki says whilst looking at us.
"Free from what?" Nick asks.
"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept your heart.." he says as he quickly turns to the doctor and possesses him with the spear.

"You will know peace." He says.
"Yeah you say peace, I kinda think you need the other thing." Fury says as me and Clint walk up to Loki.
"sir, the teseract that fury has stolen. This place is bound to blow. Drop 100 feet of rock on us." Clint says as Loki smirks.

I am Solar Aura, an Avenger.Where stories live. Discover now