2010 danger

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2010 has been crazy so far. Well mostly for Tony atleast.

This greasy guy tried killing him, escaped prison, made suits just like Tony's , tried killing him again but Tony and Rhodey killed him ( with the help of me and nat of course.. Tony felt very betrayed after finding out I knew Natasha was an agent..with me).

Tony saved Pepper after defeating the greasy guy and once he did they finally got together after making out on a roof. Me and Rhodey sat there painfully watching.

After Rhodey flew off with my dad's suit I rushed towards them both.
"Are you guys ok?" I ask.
"Fine." Tony says whilst trying not to look at me.
"I'm sorry for lying to you guys but I had to." I say as pepper smiles at me.

"I'm going to let you have temporary access to the suit, you ready?" He asks as he holds out his arm.
"Wait what?" I ask as a case randomly appears in his hands.

He puts it down onto the floor and looks back at Pepper whilst nodding.
"There's no point in giving it to me if you can't even look at me.." I say as he hesitates but then looks at me.

"Jarvis, you are now assigned to my daughter Sara temporarily . Only in this suit." Tony says as Pepper hugs him. I smile in shock as he calls me his daughter.
"Okay sir, hello Sara." Jarvis replies as I touch the suit which immediately starts to come onto me.

I smile as the full suit is on me except for the face.

"Go on. Just don't kill anyone, crash, get lost or lie to me again." Tony says as I scoff and make the helmet fully come on my face.

"Ok. See you two at home" I say as I fly off into the sky.

"You called her your daughter?" Pepper says happily.
"It doesn't matter but would you like to go home ms.potts?" He replies as he looks at her.
"Ooh, yes I would.." Pepper replies as he holds her in his arms and flys off back home.

I fly around the city until I get a call from Nick fury which is unusual, I answer.

"Hey, Fury-" I try say before he cuts me off.
"Sara your kidnapper George Ivans has escaped from hospital supervision. Murdering two officers, he's on his way to you. I'm on my way with Romanoff." He says as I stop in the air and freeze.
"Sara are you somewhere safe..?" Nat asks worryingly.
"I'm not home.." I say as we both stay quiet.
"Well where are you?!" He asks.
"In the city.Tony and Pepper are home.." I say as i hear fury sigh.
"Get home now!" He shouts as I end the call and start flying home.

"Jarvis where are Pepper and Tony right now?" I shout.
"Hello Sara, pepper and Tony are currently in bed without clothing-" Jarvis tries saying before I cut him off.
"Too much information! Is there anyone near the house?" I ask.
"Yes, there is one male driving up to the house. I'm afraid I cannot identify the individual." Jarvis says as I tell him to call Tony.

He answers as soon as I call.
"What did you do-" he tries asking as pepper giggles.
"He escaped and he's at ours!" I shout as I use more power to fly faster.
"What do you mean-." He says as I end the call.

He sighs as he gets up and slowly makes his way downstairs.

I fly into the garage (the suit comes off) and I immediately start to walk upstairs whilst struggling to breathe.
"Tony!" I shout.
"What's going on?" He asks.
"Jarvis where is he now?" I ask.
"Here." Jarvis says as an explosive shoots through the door.
"Tony!" I shout as I push Tony over.
"Ow." Tony says as he holds up his hand so his suit eventually comes on.
"Sorry." I say as George shoots at me, I duck as he attempts to hurt me. I get my knife out from the bottom of my jeans and jump off of the sofa onto George, pushing him to the ground.

"How weak are you?" I ask as I stab him with the knife from my pocket. He lays on the ground laughing.
"You- you are dead" he says whilst hysterically laughing as he chokes on his blood.

Tony walks over to see me standing over George. Nick pulls up to the house with Nat.

"You're the one on the ground. You're dead." I say confused.
"You're- dead..." he says as he pulls out a tranquilliser, stabs it into me and presses a button on a beaten up remote.

As he presses the button I gasp as I fall to the ground and shake uncontrollably.
"Sara!" Tony shouts as he crouches to the ground.

Pepper runs outside and gasps as she sees me on the ground.
"Oh my god!!" She shouts as she crouches near me and holds my head in place.

Natasha picks up the remote and looks at it.
"This connects to tranquillisers with deadly substances inside. He must of been preparing this for ages." She says as Nick looks at it.
"What's happening?!" Pepper shouts as Tony looks at George who's smiling.
"Hail Hydra." George says as he dies, choking on his blood.

They hold me down until I stop shaking.
"Someone do something!" She shouts in shock.

"Wait don't touch her!!" Nick shouts as they realise my arms burning up red in certain places.
"Yeah, no. I'm not going to let her die." Tony replies as he starts to do cpr.
"Come on Sara.." pepper says as she moves my hair from my face.

Nat tears up whilst watching.
"Don't do this to me Sara. We're partners."

'Dreams' swipe to read!!

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