Chapter 10: Regrets and Secrets

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Author Note: So sorry everybody!! For not updating, in a while..a very long while...I was just so busy! *cries* so many excuses. forgive me! So, I made sure that this was a long chapter. Happy 4th of July. Enjoy!! The photo on top..has a certain 'someone' familiar connection with our little ocean dragon slayer..Interesting.


The sky was light blue. Rays of sunlight beamed down on the forehead of a young girl as she rested peacefully atop the grassy hill. She stared lazily at the passing clouds as the wind continued to sweep her long blue hair against her face. Closing her eyes, she embraced every ounce of warmness the sun had to offer her. This chapter will now however, begins in a small village just on the outskirts of Mt. Hakobe.

"Do you honestly expect to do this all day?" came a voice from above.

The girl opened her eyes to see another girl with short, purple hair eyeing her impatiently. She grinned to herself as she studied the stern expression spread across the irritated girl's face.

"Hayden." she smirked, shutting her eyes once more, "Shouldn't you be at the churchyard?"

"You realize they're finally back after all these years." replied the purple-haired girl ignoring her friend's comment. There was a brief pause as another breeze passed through the hilltop. She sighed heavily, her impatient expression now more calm and relaxed. "You know what this means, don't you?"

The young girl sat up, narrowing her eyes as she scanned the horizon. She tucked the loose strands of her blue hair behind her ear and whispered:

"Fairy Tail, eh?"





"Angie! Wake up~!"

Angie Raiden awoke to the streams of morning sunlight shining through her bedroom window. She let out a soft groan as she turned over on her side, rolling away from the source of unwanted noise. Her eyelids still felt heavy from the previous late night, while the warmth of her bed prevented from making any sudden movements.

"Angie!" called the voice one more.

The Dragon Slayer forced her body to sit upright. As she slowly lowered the blanket from her face, she let out a well-needed yawn before choosing to identify whom the high-pitched voice belonged to. Angie's eyes widened at the sight of a small white cat staring straight at her. It was almost immediately that her peaceful expression dropped to one of annoyance and confusion.

"Geez, are you gonna' sleep all day!?" whined the cat whipping its tail back and forth. Just then, a lean boy with spiked blonde hair rose up from the foot of the mage's bed. He scratched his head sleepily.

"Hey Luna, what time is it?" he asked in between a yawn.

Angie blinked twice as she stared at the un-welcomed cat and blonde-headed mage. She grimaced angrily as she jerked the blanket back, causing the white cat Luna to be swept off her feet and collide straight with Logan's face.

"Hey! What'd ya' do that for?!" exclaimed the fire mage rather irritated. Angie glared at the boy fiercely, "How did you get inside my house?! It's not nice to sneak up on a lady!" she snapped back.

Logan shooed her away, "We tried to ask, but you were snorin' away!" he explained indifferently, "Besides, the window was wide open. So, we let ourselves in."

"Aye!" cheered Luna raising a paw.

"I don't snore!" exclaimed Angie clenching her teeth. "And that still doesn't give you two idiots permission to barge in!" she shouted. Logan ignored the angry outburst and jumped on the bed, "Hey, how about we go on a mission today?" he said beaming brightly. "I'm getting bored staying at the guild all day!"

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