"It doesn't even taste good," Porsche complained under his breath before quickly exiting the dining room.

Kinn fidgeted with his hand, well aware of why Porsche was upset.

"He's just angry with me," Kinn said, the sadness apparent in his smile. Every morning, he was aware of the fact that Edward cooked breakfast for them. He just didn't want him to feel hurt because of him.

Edward gave a solemn nod, his eyes fixed on his plate.


Porsche sat by the swing, the gentle breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers from the nearby garden, lost in his thoughts. He hates getting upset with Kinn, but it pains him to watch Kinn distance himself, triggering all his uncertainties and making him feel uneasy. The silence around him was deafening, and he was frustrated by the fact that he didn't have anyone to talk to. He just wished he had a friend to confide in.

He shifted his attention to his iPad to seek out resolutions to his uncertain contemplations.

He searched:

"How do you know if your husband cheat on you,"

"What do I do If My Husband isn't Attracted to Me?"

"How to recover your memory"

"Is it possible to recover your memory,"

After reading, he was left with a heavy heart and a pounding headache. He dropped the iPad onto the grass and, with a sigh, rolled onto his side and closed his eyes.


Kinn was privy to the information about Kim's return. Anyone with common sense could see that Tawan's sudden reappearance and the pregnancy claim were orchestrated by his brother. His brother's animosity towards him far exceeded his expectations.

His father's call to come home was tinged with a sense of urgency, hinting at the gravity of the matter to be discussed. He tried to keep his distance, but their visit to his home left him with an uneasy feeling. Until Porsche remembers or finds out who caused the accident, he is not comfortable with them being near him.

"Welcome," Korn said, his voice filled with warmth as his son entered the living room.

His face was stoic and unsmiling, a marked departure from his usual welcoming expression. He was dead serious. He caught sight of Kim sitting next to his mother. Despite Kim's greeting, Kinn ignored them and sat at a distance.

"You said it's important," Kinn said without any inflection.

Korn perceived the alteration in his sons, but he was confident that Kinn's loyalty to his family would never waver.

"Let's have lunch," Korn said, getting up.

Kinn had to bite his tongue to keep from scoffing. He couldn't help but wonder what they needed from him when they invited him to lunch at home. Porsche's words on the night of the accident lingered in his mind.

'The part you are working with your family behind my back to take camellia?'

"I need to go back to my husband," Kinn replied. Porsche would sulk every time he left his line of vision, making him feel guilty for not being around him.

"Did he recognize you?" Rose asked, her tone dripping with contempt.

Korn's expression immediately turned stern, signaling her to stop.

"Still...." Korn began.

Kinn let out a frustrated sigh. He had no other purpose but to listen to what he had to say and then depart.

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