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After Karina's confession and a warming smile from Isa, she knew it wasn't an 'I think' statement.

Because it was an 'I know' statement.

Karina knew she loved Minjeong.

Karina loved Minjeong.

She had known it all along but the fear of hurting Minjeong refrained her recognition but now, after observing the way the brunette looked at her with those beautiful puppy eyes, she had a burning suspicion that Minjeong felt the same way. However, she didn't want to label Minjeong's actions. Like previously said, she didn't want to hurt her.

"You're really in love with her, aren't you?" Isa asked in a serene whisper,

Karina felt her eyes brimming at the time she gently nodded,

"I love her so much."

Isa pouted at her sister's breaking point and took her into another tight hug, caressing her raven hair as she sobbed into her shirt,

"I feel the same about Seeun."

The cries of weakness continued from Karina and Isa pouted, seeing her sister in such a frail state was such an infirmity,

"Yesterday, Seeun said that you ran up to her and pleaded for her help to find Minjeong. The room you barged in was mine. Here." Isa chuckled to lift the mood and a dancing smile appeared upon hearing Karina's fragile giggle.

"Let me tell you something. Remember how you destroyed the door?" Isa paused,

"Well, when she told me she'd fix it, that's when I really knew I was in love with her but apparently this ship has a door guy so she didn't actually have to do anything. Even if she never fixed my door, I still knew I was in love with her but my oh my, compared to you? Running all over this massive boat to just make sure Minjeong is okay? That's love. Pure love."

Karina sniffed, "What if she doesn't feel the same way back? What if she doesn't love me?"

Isa sighed at her unnie's fear, "You'll never know if you don't ask her."

Karina rested her head on Isa's shoulder who's arms didn't leave Karina until a sudden buzz from the younger's phone made the two girls jump.

"Jesus Christ, who is it?" Karina clasped her hand over racing heart with the other wiping her tears,

"It's dad." Isa took a moment for her eyes to read the messages,

"He texted saying there's been a change of plans tonight. We're meeting the Park's for the scholarship again at seven."

"Right." Karina huffed, "What time is it now?"


Karina groaned. She was dreading on going anywhere before the image of Minjeong popped into her head. Maybe she'd be a waitress tonight?


"What?" Karina turned to her sister in confusion,

"Nothing." Isa laughed which earned a playfully punch from the cat,

"Yah! What did you say?!"


Karina rolled her eyes.

"Come on," Isa giggled, "Let's find you a nice dress for tonight."


Even after everyone had explained the entire Isa&Seeun situation, Minjeong was still being bombarded by hugs when she sat down on the couch for rest.

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